Benjamin Biolay

BENJAMIN BIOLAY .. France, variété pop-rock.. 2000s


Benjamin Biolay

Benjamin Biolay (Villefranche-sur-Saône, Lyon, France, born 1973)


From 2001 to 2022, Benjamin Biolay releases 10 studio LPs with 180 French variety, folk and rock songs. Established in Buenos Aires in the mid-2010s, he integrates South American moods into his musical universe starting with his 2016 LP Palermo-Hollywood.


Benjamen Biolay apprend le violon, le tuba, le trombone et la guitare. Il s’établit à Paris vers 1990 où il collabore avec maints artistes dont L’Affaire Louis Trio, Henri Salvador, Keren Ann, Isabelle Boulay, Raphael, Lulu et Bambou Gainsbourg. Primé comme révélation 2001, son 1er album ‘Rose Kennedy’ révèle des inclinations éclectiques, un soin pour les textes et un travers à-la-Gainsbourg dans le ton et le propos. Après l’intense LP ‘Négatif’ (2003), c’est un chef d’œuvre que livre le titre ‘A l’origine’ (2005) au texte obsessionnel lancinant évoluant du rap vers d’immenses envolées de synthés, cuivres et guitares puis vers le symphonique et des chœurs en transe pour retomber en apocalypse factory-rock. Magistral ! Doté d’une section cordes et de chœurs sans précédent, le LP ‘Trash Yéyé’ (2007) témoigne du même univers intense délicieux et inattendu. Avec ‘La Superbe’, ‘Padam’ et ‘Lyon Presque-île’, l‘album de 2009 offre de nouvelles étonnantes dispositions musicales. S’étant établi à Buenos Aires au milieu des années 2010s, Biolay intègre à son univers musical des tonalités pop sud-américaines dès son LP ‘Palermo-Hollywood’ (2016). De 2001 à 2022, il produit 180 chansons de variété-française, folk et pop-rock en 10 albums-studio.


Co-composer with Keren-Ann: 1998  1+1 (Shelby)  ∙  2000 Jardin d’hiver / Faire des ronds dans l’eau (Henri Salvador)  ∙  

∙  2001 ROSE KENNEDY  ∙  Les cerfs-volants  ∙  Novembre toute l’année  ∙  Los Angeles  ∙  Les roses et les promesses  ∙  Rose Kennedy  ∙  La dernière heure du dernier jour  ∙  2003 NÉGATIF  ∙  Billy Bob a raison  ∙  Une chaise à Tokyo  ∙  Négatif  ∙   2005 À L’ORIGINE  ∙  À l’origine  ∙  Mon amour m’a baisé  ∙  L’histoire d’un garçon  ∙  2007 TRASH YÉYÉ  ∙  Dans la Merco-Benz  ∙  Laisse aboyer les chiens  ∙  Qu’est-ce que ça peut faire ?  ∙

∙  2009 LA SUPERBE  ∙  La Superbe  ∙  Padam  ∙  Lyon presqu’île  ∙  Ton héritage  ∙  Si tu suis mon regard  ∙  2011 SINGLE  ∙  L’eau claire des fontaines  ∙  2012 VENGEANCE  ∙  Aime mon amour  ∙  Profite  ∙  Marlène déconne  ∙  2016 PALERMO HOLLYWOOD  ∙  Palermo Hollywood  ∙  Palermo queens  ∙  Miss Miss  ∙  La débandade  ∙  2017 VOLVER  ∙  Volver  ∙  ¡Encore Encore!  ∙  Roma (amoR)  ∙  Hypertranquille  ∙

∙  2020 GRAND PRIX  ∙  Comment est ta peine ?  ∙  Comme une voiture volée  ∙  Vendredi 12  ∙  Ma route  ∙  Parc fermé  ∙  2022 SAINT-CLAIR  ∙  Les joues roses  ∙  Rends l’amour !  ∙  (Un) Ravel  ∙  Saint-Clair  ∙  L’heure bleue  ∙


LP Benjamin Biolay et Chiara Mastroianni  ∙  2004 HOME ∙  La Ballade du mois de Juin  ∙ 




Damon Albarn, born 1968 in London


Damon Albarn is the frontman of the band Blur which releases 8 LP albums between 1991 and 2015 with major commercial success in 1995-99. In parallel, Albarn creates Gorillaz as a side-project with the designer Jamie Hewlett and the music producer Remi Kabaka Jr. A band with only one permanent musician and the collaboration of guest artists, Gorillaz releases 150 songs in 11 LPs in 2000-2020 with stunning fusions of hip hop, world music and modern pop rock.


∙  2000 ∙  EP  ∙  Tomorrow Comes Today  ∙  Rock the House  ∙ 2001  ∙  GORILLAZ  ∙  Clint Eastwood (ft Del the Funky Homosapien)  ∙  19-2000  ∙  Slow Country  ∙  M1 A1  ∙  Re-Hash  ∙  G SIDES (B sides)  ∙  Ghost Train  ∙  2002  ∙  LAIKA COME HOME (remixes)  ∙  Lil’ Dub Chefin’  ∙ 

∙  2005 ∙  DEMON DAYS  ∙  Feel Good Inc. (ft De La Soul)  ∙  Dare (ft Shaun Ryder)  ∙  Dirty Harry (ft Bootie Brown)  ∙  Fire Coming Out of the Monkey’s Head  ∙  El Mañana  ∙  Kids with Guns  ∙  Last Living Souls  ∙  2007  ∙  D-SIDES  ∙  Rockit  ∙  Spitting out the demons  ∙ 

∙  2010  ∙  PLASTIC BEACH  ∙  Stylo (ft Mos Def & Bobby Womack)  ∙  Superfast Jellyfish (ft De La Soul and Gruff Rhys)  ∙  Some Kind of Nature (ft Lou Reed)  ∙  On Melancholy Hill  ∙  Welcome to the World of the Plastic Beach (ft Snoop Dogg)  ∙  THE FALL  ∙  Amarillo  ∙  2011  ∙  Doncamatic  ∙  2017  ∙  HUMANZ  ∙  Ascension (ft Vince Staples)  ∙  Strobelite (ft Peven Everett)  ∙  Saturnz Barz (ft Popcaan)  ∙  We Got the Power (ft Jehnny Beth)  ∙  2018  ∙  THE NOW NOW  ∙  Humility (ft George Benson)  ∙  Hollywood (ft Snoop Dogg & Jamie Principle)  ∙  Sorcererz  ∙  Lake Zurich  ∙  Fire Flies  ∙ 

∙  2020  ∙  SONG MACHINE (SEASON 1)  ∙  Momentary Bliss (ft Slowthai & Slaves)  ∙  Désolé (ft Fatoumata Diawara)  ∙  Aries (ft Peter Hook & Georgia)  ∙  How Fair ? (ft Tony Allen & Skepta)  ∙  Friday 13th (ft Octavian)  ∙  Pac-Man (ft Schoolboy Q)  ∙ SINGLES ∙ 2022 ∙ Cracker Island (ft Thundercat)New Gold (ft Tame Impala & Bootie Brown) ∙ 2023 ∙ Silent running (ft Adeleye Omotayo)


Thea Gilmore



Thea Gilmore
Thea Gilmore (born 1979 in Oxford)


Apparition #13 (2003)

Thea Gilmore is one of UK pop music’s best kept secrets. The 40-year-old Oxford songwriter released her 18th album “ Small world turning” on May 17, 2019, the track of which “Shake off those chains” instantly climbs into her classics. Since her first LP “Burning Dorothy” in 1998 and her dazzling 2003 breakthrough album ‘Avalanche‘, Thea Gilmore has been playing with angels. 


∙  1998  BURNING DOROTHY  ∙  Into the blue  ∙  Pontiac to home girl  ∙  2000  THE LIPSTICK CONSPIRACIES  ∙  My own private riot  ∙  2001  RULES FOR JOKERS  ∙  Holding your hand  ∙  2002  SONGS FROM THE GUTTER  ∙  And we’ll dance  ∙  I dreamed I saw St. Augustine (orig. 1967 Bob Dylan)  ∙  Ain’t no sunshine (with ‘The Reel & Soul Association’)  ∙  2002  SINGLE  ∙  Fever beats  ∙ 

∙  2003  AVALANCHE  ∙  Eight months  ∙  Apparition #13  ∙  Juliet (keep that in mind)  ∙  Pirate moon  ∙  Rags and bones  ∙  To the bone  ∙  Avalanche  ∙  Avalanche (live2008@Exeter Phoenix)  ∙  Razor Valentine  ∙  Mainstream  ∙  2004  LOFT MUSIC  ∙  The things we never said  ∙  The old laughing lady (orig. 1969 Neil Young)  ∙

∙  2006  HARPO’S GHOST  ∙  The list  ∙  Cheap tricks  ∙  2008  LIEJACKER  ∙  The lower road (ft Joan Baez)  ∙  Old soul (ft Dave McCabe)  ∙  2009  RECORDED DELIVERY  ∙  You and Frank Sinatra  ∙  2009  STRANGE COMMUNION  ∙  That’ll be Christmas  ∙  December in New York  ∙ 

∙  2010  MURPHY’S HEART  ∙  You’re the radio  ∙  Teach me to be bad  ∙  Coffee and roses  ∙  2011  JOHN WESLEY HARDING  ∙  All along the watchtower (orig. 1967 Bob Dylan)  ∙  As I went out one morning  ∙  How the love gets in  ∙  2011  SANDY DENNY, DON’T STOP SINGING  ∙  Song #4  ∙  Glistening Bay  ∙  2013  REGARDLESS  ∙  Start as we mean to go on  ∙  2014  UNDER THE APPLE TREE  ∙  Sweet child o’mine  ∙ 

∙  2015  GHOSTS AND GRAFFITI  ∙  Coming back to you  ∙  2017  THE COUNTERWEIGHT  ∙  Rise  ∙  New  ∙  The war  ∙  Here’s to you  ∙  2019  SMALL WORLD TURNING  ∙  Shake off those chains  ∙  The fuse (let it all come down)  ∙  2021  AFTERLIGHT  ∙  Spotlight  ∙  Parallax  ∙  Stain  ∙  Friendly little heart attack  ∙  Of all the violence I’ve known  ∙  2022  WAS (EP)  ∙  Hope and fury ∙  Bones  ∙  2023  IS (EP)  ∙  She speaks in colours

Julieta Venegas

JULIETA VENEGAS .. Mexico .. Rock 90s        .. Pop 2000s


Julieta Venegas


Julieta Venegas is a Mexican musician – composer, guitar, keyboards, accordion and lead singer – from Tijuana born in 1970 whose career spans over more than 30 years and shelters a wide variety of musical genres. From 1997 to 2022, she released 7 studio LP albums and recorded close to 200 songs.

During the period 1990-1996, Julieta Venegas played with several groups and achieved continental fame with Latin ska-rock band Tijuana No! and its acclaimed 1993 tune ‘Pobre de ti. She then led a successful solo-career, first delivering sumptuous alternative rock in 1997-2000 (cf. her amazing tracks De mis pasos‘ (1997) and ‘Amores perros me van a matar‘ (2000)) and later turned to mainstream pop where she reached 18 times the Mexican Billboard singles’ top-10.

Her 2022 delivery includes both the flawless pop-rock tracks ‘Caminar sola‘ and ‘Mismo amor‘ and her stunning performance at the Spanish ‘Vive Latino‘ festival in Zaragoza.


∙  1992  ∙  TIJUANA NO!  ∙  Pobre de ti  ∙ 


∙  1997  ∙  AQUÍ  –  De mis pasos  ∙  Como sé  ∙  Andamos huyendo  ∙  Libertad  ∙  Esta vez  ∙  2000  ∙  BUENINVENTO  –  Hoy no quiero  ∙  Sería feliz  ∙  2003  ∙  SI  –  Algo está cambiando  ∙  Andar conmigo  ∙  Lento  ∙  Oleada  ∙  2005  ∙  LIMÓN Y SAL  –  Me voy  ∙  Limón y sal  ∙  Eres para mí (ft Ana Tijoux)  ∙  De qué me sirve  ∙  Primer día (ft Dante Spinetta)  ∙ 

∙  2010  ∙  OTRA COSA  –  Bien o mal  ∙  Despedida  ∙  Ya conocerán  ∙  2013  ∙  LOS MOMENTOS  –  Tuve para dar  ∙  Te vi  ∙  ¿Por que?  ∙  2015  ∙  ALGO SUCEDE  – Ese camino  ∙  Buenas noches, desolación  ∙  Tu calor  ∙  Todo está aquí  ∙  2022  ∙  CAMINAR SOLA  ∙  Mismo amor  ∙  Caminar sola  ∙ 

SOUNDTRACKS  ∙  2000  ∙  Amores perros me van a matar  ∙  Mala leche  ∙  2019  ∙  Mis Muertos  ∙ 

COLLABORATIONS  ∙  2004  ∙  Nada fue un error (with Arg. band Coti & Paulina Rubio)  ∙  Sueños  (with Arg. singer Diego Torres)  ∙  2007  ∙  Perfecta  (with Arg. synth-pop band ‘Miranda!’)  ∙  Morena Mía (with Miguel Bosé)  ∙  2010  ∙  Bajo otra luz (with Nelly Furtado & La Mala Rodríguez)  ∙  2012  ∙  No me importa el dinero (with ‘Los Auténticos Decadentes’)  ∙  2014  ∙  Aquí sigo  (with Emilio Aragón)  ∙  2019  ∙  Acaríñame (ft Los Ángeles Azules & Juan Ingaramo)  ∙  2020  ∙  Mujeres (ft Miau Trío)  ∙  2021  ∙  Lo Siento BB (ft Tainy & Bad Bunny)  ∙ 

LIVE PERFORMANCE  ∙  2008  ∙  UNPLUGGED  ∙  El presente  ∙  Algún día (ft Gustavo Santaolalla)  ∙  2022  ∙  EN VIVO  ∙    Vive Latino  (Spain, Zaragossa festival, March 2022, 42′ concert)  ∙ 

Joseph Arthur

JOSEPH ARTHUR : US POP-ROCK … 90s .. 2000s


Joseph Arthur

Joseph Arthur – Leave us alone (2004)


The mesmerizing Joseph Arthur (born 1971 in Akron, Ohio) has released his 25th album ‘Come back world‘ in Oct. 2019.


∙  1997  BIG CITY SECRETS  ∙  Mercedes  ∙  Daddy’s on Prozac  ∙  Big city secrets  ∙  Birthday card  ∙  Crying Like A Man  ∙  Bottle of you  ∙  1999  VACANCY (EP)  ∙  Bed of nails  ∙  Vacancy  ∙  Making mistakes  ∙  Crying on Sunday  ∙  Toxic angel / I’m going out tonight  ∙

∙  2000  COME TO WHERE I’M FROM  ∙  The real you  ∙  In the sun ∙  Ashes everywhere  ∙  Invisible hands  ∙  Cockroach  ∙  Exhausted  ∙  Eyes on my back  ∙  Tattoo  ∙  Chemical  ∙  2002  JUNKYARD HEARTS (EPx4)  ∙  The coldest sea  ∙  This heart will swallow us  ∙  Marmalade eyes  ∙  Tiny echoes  ∙  The termite song  ∙  Crackerjack box  ∙  2002  REDEMPTION’S SON  ∙  Redemption’s son  ∙  Honey and the moon  ∙  You are the dark  ∙

∙  2004  OUR SHADOWS WILL REMAIN  ∙  Stumble and pain  ∙  Devil’s broom  ∙  Leave us alone ∙  A smile that explodes  ∙  My home is your head  ∙  2005  SINGLE  ∙  All of our hands  ∙ 2006  NUCLEAR DAYDREAM  ∙  Enough to get away  ∙  Nuclear daydream  ∙  Automatic situation  ∙

∙  2011  THE GRADUATION CEREMONY  ∙  Out on a limb  ∙  Someone to love  ∙  Watch our shadows run  ∙  Love never asks you to lie  ∙  Call  ∙  Gypsy faded  ∙  2012  REDEMPTION CITY  ∙  Travel as equals  ∙  2013  BALLAD OF BOOGIE CHRIST  ∙  I used to know how to walk on water  ∙  I miss the zoo  ∙  2018  ARTHUR BUCK  ∙  The wanderer  ∙  2019  COME BACK WORLD  ∙  Seek & find  ∙


Joseph Arthur 1999 Vacancy (EP)

BaBa ZuLa

BABA ZULA .. Turkey Alternative rock … 1996


Baba ZuLa
Murat Ertel & Levent Akman, founders of BaBa ZuLa


BaBa ZuLa is an alternative folk-rock band founded in Istanbul in 1996. Its fusion of alternative rock and Turkish ethnic music is unique and imperious and its live performance a colorful experience.


∙  1999  ∙  Babasız Kızlar Balosu  ∙  1999  ∙  Çöl Aslanları (Desert Lions)  ∙  2003  ∙  Cecom  ∙  2005  ∙  Bir Sana Bir de Bana  ∙  2006  ∙  Azmak Köprüsü (soundtrack)  ∙  2010  ∙  Hopçe (ver. live in Berlin)  ∙  2014  ∙  Başka Bir Alem  ∙  2019  ∙  Kızıl gözlüm  ∙ 


∙  2014  ∙  Guess Who festival (Utrecht, NL, 14′)  ∙  At Canli (song Hopçe, 5’40”)  ∙  Jolly Joker concert (10’, Istanbul, song: Pirasa)  ∙  Spirit of Tengri festival (KAZ, 7′)  ∙  Abdülcanbaz (Berlin, 15′)  ∙  2015  ∙  Spirit of Tengri festival (KAZ, 11′)  ∙  Concert Berlin (15′ song: Efkarlı Yaprak (Worried leaf)  ∙  Concert Berlin (19′ song: İstanbul Çocukları ∙ Children of İstanbul)  ∙  2016  ∙  Spirit of Tengri festival (KAZ, 6′)  ∙  Paléo festival (Nyon, CH, 1h22′)  ∙  Babel Med Music festival (Marseille, 16′)  ∙  2018  ∙  Concert Hamburg (13′)  ∙ 

Fiona Apple

FIONA APPLE : .. US Alt rock 1990s

Fiona Apple

Fiona Apple (born 1977 in New York, NY) ….


∙  1996  ∙  TIDAL  ∙  Criminal  ∙  Shadowboxer  ∙  The first taste  ∙  Sleep to dream  ∙  Never is a promise  ∙  1998  ∙  SINGLE  ∙  Across the universe (orig. 1970 The Beatles)  ∙  1999  ∙  WHEN THE PAWN..  ∙  Fast as you can  ∙  Limp  ∙  Paper bag  ∙  To your love  ∙  The way things are  ∙

∙  2005  ∙  EXTRAORDINARY MACHINE  ∙  O’ sailor  ∙  Parting gift  ∙  Not about love  ∙  Get him back  ∙  2010  ∙  SINGLE  ∙  So sleepy  ∙  2012  ∙  THE IDLER WHEEL..  ∙  Every single night  ∙  Hot knife  ∙  Anything we want  ∙  Largo  ∙  2013  ∙  SINGLE  ∙  Pure imagination  ∙

∙  2020  ∙  FETCH THE BOLT CUTTERS  ∙  Shameika  ∙  Under the table  ∙  I want you to love me  ∙  Fetch the bolt cutters  ∙  Relay  ∙  Drumset  ∙  Ladies  ∙ 


  ∙  1997  ∙  Live at J. Leno talk-show (Criminal)  ∙  1999   ∙  MTV Spankin’ new music week (42′ live New York)  ∙  



SHAKIRA: Colombia, Pop latino, … 90s2000s .. USA Pop-rock .. 2000s


Ojos Así, 1998, Shakira (Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll, born 1977 in Barranquilla, Colombia)


Shakira releases her first LP album at the age of 14, becomes popular in her country 3 years later with the single ‘Donde estas corazon?’ (1994) and turns into a tsunami for all Latin-America in 1998 with serial hits that include the great ‘Ciega, sordomuda’ and the phenomenal ‘Ojos así’. She then successfully includes the English-language in her repertoire with the song ‘Whenever, wherever‘ (2001), and regularly tops the world Charts during the next 10 years.

Shakira lanza su primer álbum LP a la edad de 14 años, se hace popular en su país 3 años después con el sencillo ‘Donde estas corazon?‘ (1994) y se convierte en un tsunami para toda América Latina en 1995-98, con éxitos en serie que incluyen el fantástico ‘Ciega, sordomuda‘ y el fenomenal ‘Ojos así‘. Luego incluye el inglés en su repertorio con la canción ‘Whenever, wherever‘ (2001) y encabeza regularmente las listas mundiales a lo largo de los siguientes 10 años.


∙   1991   ∙   MAGIA   ∙   Sueños   ∙   Esta noche Voy contigo   ∙   Lejos de tu amor   ∙   1993   ∙   PELIGRO   ∙   Eres   ∙   Tú serás la historia de mi vida   ∙   ‘1968’   ∙   1995   ∙   PIES DESCALZOS   ∙   Dónde estás corazón?   ∙   Estoy aqui   ∙   Pies descalzos, sueños blancos   ∙   Un poco de amor   ∙   Antologia   ∙   Se quiere, se mata   ∙   Pienso en ti   ∙   1998   ∙   DONDE ESTÁN LOS LADRONES   ∙   Ojos así   ∙   Si te vas   ∙   Ciega, sordomuda   ∙      ∙   Inevitable   ∙   No creo   ∙   Moscas en la casa   ∙  

∙   2001   ∙   LAUNDRY SERVICE   ∙   Whenever, wherever   ∙   Underneath Your Clothes   ∙   Objection (Tango)   ∙   Te Dejo Madrid   ∙   Que Me Quedes Tú   ∙   The One   ∙   2005   ∙   FIJACIÓN ORAL   ∙   La tortura (ft Alejandro Sanz)   ∙   La pared   ∙   No   ∙   Don’t Bother   ∙   Illegal (ft Carlos Santana)   ∙   Hips don’t lie (ft Wyclef Jean)   ∙   Día de Enero   ∙   Las de la intuición   ∙   Beautiful liar (ft Beyoncé)   ∙   2007   ∙   SOUNDTRACK EL AMOR EN LOS TIEMPOS DEL COLERA   ∙   Hay amores   ∙   La despedida   ∙   2009   ∙   SHE WOLF   ∙   She wolf   ∙   Did it again   ∙   Give it up to me (ft Lil Wayne)   ∙   Gypsy (ft Rafael Nadal)   ∙  

∙   2010   ∙   SALE EL SOL   ∙   Waka waka (this time for Africa)   ∙   Loca (ft El Cata)   ∙   Sale el sol   ∙   Rabiosa (ft El Cata)   ∙   Gordita (ft Calle 13)   ∙   Addicted to you   ∙   2011   ∙   LIVE IN PARIS   ∙   Je l’aime à mourir   ∙   Antes de las seis   ∙   2014   ∙   SHAKIRA   ∙   Can’t remember to forget you (ft. Rihanna)   ∙   Empire   ∙   Dare (la la la)   ∙   2016   ∙   SINGLES   ∙   Try everything (film ‘Zootopia’)   ∙   Chantaje (ft. Maluma)   ∙   La bicicleta (ft Carlos Vives)   ∙   2017   ∙   EL DORADO   ∙   Deja vu (ft Prince Royce)   ∙   Me enamoré   ∙   Perro fiel (ft. Jam)   ∙   Trap (ft. Maluma)   ∙   2018   ∙   Nada   ∙   Clandestino (ft Maluma)   ∙

∙   2020   ∙   SINGLES  ∙   Me gusta (ft Anuel AA)   ∙   Girl like me (ft Black Eyed Peas)   ∙   2022   ∙   Te felicito (ft Rauw Alejandro)   ∙   2024   ∙   LAS MUJERES YA NO LLORAN   ∙   Puntería (ft Cardi B)   ∙   Entre paréntesis   (ft Grupo Frontera)   ∙   Monotonía (ft Ozuna)   ∙   Acróstico (ft Milán y Sasha)   ∙   Copa vacía (ft Manuel Turizo)   ∙   El jefe (ft Fuerza Regida)   ∙


Cat Power

CAT POWER : USA Alt rock ..90s  / .. 2010s

Cat Power
Cat Power (Charlyn Marie “Chan” Marshall), born 1972 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA


After a few years on the Atlanta underground scene, Chan Marshall relocates to New York in 1992 where she initially works as a server in a restaurant and delivers show-supporting stage acts, one of which consisting in her singing the word “No” during 15 minutes while playing a two-string guitar, a performance reminiscent of her 1996 track I am not what you want. Her 1994-96 recordings are pure-breed alternative rock as featured in the song  Headlights or inspired aerial indie-rock like in the magic King rides by. Cat Power achieves commercial success in 2003 with her song Free and in 2006 with her LP ‘The greatest’. She releases her tenth studio album ‘Wanderer’ in October 2018.


∙   1993   ∙   SINGLE   ∙   Headlights   ∙   1995   ∙   DEAR SIR   ∙   Rockets   ∙   Psychic hearts   ∙   Great expectations   ∙   1996   ∙   MYRA LEE   ∙   Top expert   ∙   Ice water   ∙   Not what you want   ∙   1996   ∙   WHAT WOULD THE COMMUNITY THINK   ∙   King rides by (ft Manny Pacquiao)   ∙   Nude as the news   ∙   They tell me   ∙   In this hole   ∙   1998   ∙   MOON PIX   ∙   Cross bones style   ∙   You may know him   ∙   Metal heart   ∙   Moonshiner   ∙   He turns down   ∙

∙   2000   ∙   THE COVERS RECORD   ∙   Troubled waters   ∙   Wild is the wind   ∙   2000   ∙   PEEL SESSIONS #1   ∙   11 songs (Sophisticated lady,..)   ∙   2003   ∙   YOU ARE FREE   ∙   Free   ∙   Good woman / Come to my kitchen   ∙   He war   ∙   Maybe not   ∙   Fool   ∙

∙   2006   ∙   THE GREATEST   ∙   The greatest   ∙   Living proof   ∙   Lived in bars   ∙   Willie Deadwilder   ∙   Where is my love   ∙   2007   ∙   THE HOTTEST STATE (movie soundtrack)   ∙   It’s alright to fail   ∙   2008   ∙   JUKEBOX   ∙   New York, New York   ∙   Lost someone   ∙   Don’t explain   ∙   DARK END OF THE STREET (EP)   ∙   Dark end of the street   ∙   I’ve been loving you too long (to stop now)   ∙

∙   2012   ∙   SUN   ∙   Sun   ∙   Silent machine   ∙   Manhattan   ∙   Cherokee   ∙   Human being   ∙   Ruin   ∙   Nothin’ but time (ft Iggy Pop)   ∙   Fire   ∙   2018   ∙   WANDERER   ∙   Horizon   ∙   Stay   ∙   Me voy   ∙   Woman (ft Lana del Rey)   ∙   2022   ∙   COVERS   ∙   A pair of brown eyes   ∙   I’ll be seing you   ∙   These days   ∙  

Elena Frolova (Елена Фролова)

ELENA FROLOVA .. Russia folk … 1991  


Elena Frolova, born 1969 in Riga, Latvia


Elena Frolova lives in Moscow since 1989. Heir to the tradition of Russian bards, inexhaustible performer with unparalleled mastery, she records close to 700 songs in more than 50 studio LP albums in less than 20 years. 


∙   1994   ∙   White sparrow / Белый воробей   ∙   Ah my bird, ah bird / Ах, птица моя, ах птица   ∙   1995   ∙   Lullaby   in vain / Напрасная колыбельная   ∙   1996   ∙   My caring, Marina / Моя заботушка, Марина   ∙   1997   ∙   Clouds are floating by / Проплывают облака  ∙   And Summer has gone / Вот и лето прошло   ∙   Greek song / Греческая песня   ∙   Steppe pipeline / Степная дудка   ∙   1999   ∙   Angel, my angel / Ангел, мой ангел   ∙  

∙   2000   ∙   Winter wedding / Зимняя свадьба   ∙   Fly away my white / Улетай, мой белый   ∙   2003   ∙   When I’m tired of living / Когда я устану жить   ∙   Straw love / Соломинка любви   ∙   2009   ∙   Don’t seek, my confessions are rude / Не взыщи, мои признанья грубы   ∙   After the rain (orig. Bulat Okudzhava) / После дождичка   ∙   Happy romance / Романс счастливца (И. Бродский)   ∙   My luxurious darling / Моя роскошная избранница   ∙ 

2010   ∙   Euphrosyne fool / Евфросинья дура   ∙   You know, I saw in a dream / Знаешь, я видела во сне   ∙   We buried ourselves / Мы себя похоронили   ∙   2011   ∙   There (orig. ‘Sodade‘, Cesaria Evora) / Туда   ∙   Ah, red wine (ft. A. Kramarenko) / Ах, красное вино)   ∙   Lonely guitarist (orig. Y. Vizbor) / Одинокий гитарист   ∙   When you sing songs on Earth / Когда вы песни на земле поете   ∙ 

∙   2012   ∙   Cause you’re not good, not evil / Ведь ты не добрая, не злая   ∙   2013   ∙   Ale / Але   ∙   2016   ∙   I’m blissfully ignorant / Мне блаженно мое незнание   ∙  


INTERVIEWS & REVIEWS  2009  ∙  Musical encounter (30′) / Музыка встреч  ∙  2003  ∙  Road to paradise ( 85′) / Дорога в рай  ∙ 

FROLOVA SINGS OKUDZHAVA (compilation 2000-2012) ∙ Songs