Vinicio Capossela

VINICIO CAPOSSELA: .. Italy, folk-pop ..90s, ..2010s


Vinicio Capossela published 16 studio albums LP/EP between 1990 and 2023 and five books.


Preferisco rimanere un’impressione
Preferisco le impressioni
Le impressioni emozionano
È inutile conoscere

I’d rather remain an impression. I prefer impressions. Impressions cause emotions. It is useless to know (Vinicio Capossela,  ‘Non si muore tutte le mattine‘, novel 2004).


∙  1990  ∙  ALL’UNA E 35 CIRCA  ∙   Resta con me   ∙   Una giornata senza pretese  ∙   Scivola vai via   ∙   All’una e trentacinque circa   ∙   Modì   ∙   Ultimo amore   ∙   E allora mambo   ∙  1994  ∙  CAMERA A SUD  ∙  Non è l’amore che va via   ∙  Zampanò   ∙  Che coss’è l’amor   ∙  Ma l’America  ∙  Camera a Sud (bossa nova)  ∙  1996  ∙  IL BALLO DI SAN VITO  ∙  Il ballo di San Vito (dalla Taranta)  ∙  Morna   ∙  Corvo Torvo  ∙  Contrada Chiavicone   ∙  L’accolita dei rancorosi   ∙  Tanco del murazzo  ∙  1998  ∙  LIVEINVOLVO  ∙  Scata’ Scata’ (Scatafascio)  ∙   

∙  2000  ∙  CANZONI A MANOVELLA  ∙   Bardamù   ∙   Polka di Warsava  ∙  Marajà  ∙  Corre il soldato  ∙  Con una rosa  ∙  2003  ∙  L’INDISPENSABILE  ∙  Si è spento il sole  ∙  2006  ∙  OVUNQUE PROTEGGI  ∙   Non trattare  ∙  Brucia Troia  ∙  Moskavalza  ∙  L’uomo vivo  ∙   Medusa cha cha cha  ∙  Santissima dei naufragati  ∙  Ovunque Proteggi  ∙  2008  ∙  DA SOLO  ∙  In clandestinità  ∙  Parla piano  ∙   Una giornata perfetta   ∙  La faccia della terra  ∙  Lettere di soldati  ∙ 

∙  2011  ∙  LA NAVE STA ARRIVANDO (EP)  ∙  Polpo d’amor  ∙  MARINAI PROFETI E BALENE  ∙  Il grande Leviatano  ∙  L’oceano oilalà  ∙  Pryntyl  ∙  2012  ∙  REBETIKO GYMNASTAS  ∙  Abbandonato (orig. Atahualpa Yupanqui)  ∙  Gymnastika (orig. Vladimir Visotski)  ∙  Non è l’amore che va via  ∙  Signora Luna  ∙  Le semplici cose  ∙  2016  ∙  CANZONI DELLA CULPA  ∙  La padrona mia  ∙  Rapatatumpa  ∙  La bestia nel grano  ∙  Scorza di mulo  ∙  Il Pumminale  ∙  Il treno  ∙  La golondrina (ghost track)  ∙

∙  2019  ∙  BALLATE PER UOMINI E BESTIE  ∙  Il povero Cristo  ∙  La peste  ∙  Di città in città ( e porta l’orso)  ∙  2020  ∙  BESTIARIO D’AMORE (EP)  ∙  Bestiario d’amore  ∙  Canto all’alba  ∙  2023  ∙  TREDICI CANZONI URGENTI  ∙  La parte del torto  ∙  Staffette in bicicletta (ft  Mara Redeghieri)  ∙   La crociata dei bambini  ∙  La cattiva educazione (ft  Margherita Vicario)  ∙ 




Krist Novoselic (1965, California), Kurt Cobain (1967-1994, Aberdeen USA), Dave Grohl (1969, Ohio)

Nirvana reaches an apex with its LP ‘Nevermind’ (1991) and its world hits Polly, Lithium and Smells like teen spirit. The band becomes the most famous ambassador of grunge rock, a music style that developed in Seattle (Washington, USA) as an upsurge of American alternative rock. Nirvana publishes 60 songs in 5 years between 1989 and 1994, and disbands upon the suicide of its frontman Kurt Cobain at the age of 27. The Nov. 1993 ‘MTV Unplugged’ performance delivers delightful acoustic versions of Nirvana’s best themes. The last song recorded by Cobain initially remains unedited and is published only 9 years later.


∙   1989   ∙   BLEACH   ∙   About a girl   ∙   Blew   ∙   Love buzz (orig. 1967 Shocking Blue)  ∙   Paper cuts   ∙   EP BLEW  ∙  Been a son (ver. 1992)  ∙  Stain (ver. 1992)  ∙  1990   ∙  SINGLE  ∙  Silver   ∙  

∙   1991   ∙   NEVERMIND   ∙   Smells like teen spirit   ∙   Lithium ∙   Polly   ∙   Come as you are   ∙   In bloom   ∙   Breed   ∙   Drain you   ∙   1992   ∙   EP HORMOANING   ∙   Aneurysm   ∙   Son of a gun   ∙   1993   ∙   IN UTERO   ∙   Heart-shaped box   ∙   Dumb   ∙   Pennyroyal tea   ∙   All apologies   ∙  

∙   1994   ∙   MTV UNPLUGGED   ∙   About a Girl   ∙   Come as you are   ∙   Jesus doesn’t want me for a sunbeam (orig. 1992 The Vaselines)  ∙   The man who sold the world (orig. 1970 David Bowie)  ∙   Pennyroyal tea   ∙   Dumb   ∙   Polly   ∙   On a plain   ∙   Something in the way   ∙   Plateau (orig. 1984 Meat Puppets)   ∙   Oh, me (orig. 1984 Meat Puppets)   ∙   Lake of fire (orig. 1984 Meat Puppets)  ∙   All apologies   ∙   Where did you sleep last night (1st rec. 1925, cover 1940s by Lead Belly)  ∙  

∙   2002   ∙   GREATEST HITS   ∙   You know you’re right   ∙  


1991 / 93 / 94

Héroes del Silencio

HÉROES DEL SILENCIO: .. Spanish rock …19871990s


Héroes del Silencio

Joaquín Cardiel (1965), Enrique Bunbury (1967), Pedro Andreu (1966), Juan Valdivia (1965), Zaragoza, Aragón


Héroes del Silencio is the most famous Spanish rock band of the 1987-95 period. Offering powerful mainstream new-wave with traces of goth-rock on catchy compositions, the group achieves enormous international success. Over its 10 years lifespan, Héroes del Silencio publishes 52 songs in 21 singles and 5 studio EP/LP albums.

Héroes del Silencio es la banda rock española más famosa del período 1987-95. Ofreciendo un poderoso sonido new-wave mainstream con toques góticos en composiciones pegadizas, el grupo logra un enorme éxito internacional. Durante sus 10 años de vida, Héroes del Silencio publica 52 canciones en 21 sencillos y 5 álbumes de estudio EP / LP.


∙   1987   HÉROE DE LEYENDA   –   Héroe de Leyenda   ∙   El Mar No Cesa   ∙   La Lluvia Gris   ∙   1988   EL MAR NO CESA   –   Fuente Esperanza   ∙   No Más Lagrimas   ∙   Flor Venenosa   ∙   Agosto   ∙  

∙   1990   SENDERO DE TRAICIÓN   –   Entre dos tierras   ∙   Maldito duende   ∙   Oración   ∙   Despertar   ∙   Con nombre de guerra   ∙   1993   EL ESPÍRITU DEL VINO   –   Nuestros nombres   ∙   La herida   ∙   La sirena varada   ∙   Flor de loto   ∙  

∙   1995   AVALANCHA   –   Deshacer el mundo   ∙   Iberia sumergida   ∙   Avalancha   ∙   La chispa adecuada   ∙  


Auktyon (АукцЫон)

AUKTYON (АукцЫон) .. Soviet rock 1980s / ..Russian rock 1990s 




Auktyon was founded in 1978 in Leningrad by Leonid Fyodorov (born 1963) with schoolmates. It experimented many original musical and visual genres and developped its own avant-garde art-rock sound and style, with unusual inclusions of accordion, trumpets and string instruments. The group published 15 studio LPs between 1986 and 2020, Fyodorov also lead a solo career in parallel and released another 20 LPs in 1997-2016. 


Auktyon / АукцЫон

∙   1986   ∙   The book of life / Книга учёта жизни   ∙   1987   ∙   Nepman / Нэпман   ∙   1988   ∙   She Wolf   / Волчица   ∙   1989   ∙   Polka (.. sucks) / Полька (Сосёт)   ∙   Detritus (TV show Musical Ring) / Осколки   ∙   1990   ∙   Airplane / Самолёт   ∙  

∙   1991   ∙   Fa-fa-fa / Фа-фа-фа   ∙   She left / Ушла   ∙   1992   ∙   The horse took away the loved one / Конь унёс любимого   ∙   1993   ∙   Road / Дорога   ∙   My love / Моя любовь   ∙   Eyes / Глаза   ∙   Sleep soldier / Спи солдат   ∙   Bird / Птица   ∙   1995   ∙   Ghosts / Призраки   ∙   1997   ∙   Far away / Далеко   ∙   Something like that / Что-нибудь такое   ∙  

∙   2002   ∙   The boss / Заведующий   ∙   2007   ∙   Fallen / Падал   ∙   2011   ∙   Fire / Огонь   ∙   In front / мимо   ∙   Xhomba / Хомба   ∙   2016   ∙   At the sun / На солнце   ∙   Seagulls / Чайки   ∙   Disappeared / Пропал   ∙   Day and night / И день и ночь   ∙   ∙   2020   ∙   Chasing waves / Догоняя волны   ∙  


Leonid Fyodorov / Леонид Фёдоров

∙  1997  ∙  Far away / Далеко  ∙  2004  ∙  Something like that / Что-нибудь такое  ∙  2005  ∙  Melt / Таял  ∙ 2010  ∙  On the edge / На краю  ∙  All like everybody / Все как у людей  ∙ 

∙  2012  ∙  Soul / Душа  ∙  Elegy / Элегия  ∙  Horse / Конь  ∙  2014  ∙  Moths / Мотыльки  ∙  2018  ∙  Gwidon (Persistence of fun and mud) / Гвидон (Постоянство веселья и грязи)  ∙ 

Red Hot Chili Peppers


US ROCK ..1989

Red Hot Chili Peppers
Chad Smith (born 1961 drums), Anthony Kiedis (b. 1962 vocals), Flea (b. 1962 bass), John Frusciante (b. 1970 guitar)

Red Hot Chili Peppers starts in 1983 in Los Angeles and records 260 songs in 16 LP/EPs in more than 30 years. The band offers solid wild rock fused with rap and funk, and becomes popular with its song ‘Knock Me Down’ (1989). It then scores the world hit ‘Under the Bridge’ (1991), and many others over the next 15 years, including ‘Soul to Squeeze’ (1993), ‘Californication’ (2000) and ‘By the Way’ (2002).


∙   1984   ∙   THE RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS   ∙   True Men Don’t Kill Coyotes   ∙   1985   ∙   FREAKY STYLEY   ∙   Jungle Man   ∙   Catholic School Girls Rule   ∙   Yertle the Turtle   ∙   1987   ∙   THE UPLIFT MOFO PARTY PLAN   ∙   Fight Like a Brave   ∙   Behind the Sun   ∙   1989   ∙   MOTHER’S MILK   ∙   Knock Me Down   ∙   Taste the Pain   ∙   Higher Ground   ∙   Stone Cold Bush   ∙   Good Time Boys   ∙  

∙   1990   ∙   Show Me Your Soul    ∙   1991   ∙   BLOOD SUGAR SEX MAGIK   ∙   Under the Bridge   ∙   Give It Away   ∙   Suck My Kiss   ∙   If You Have to Ask   ∙   Breaking the Girl   ∙   1993   ∙   Soul to Squeeze   ∙   1995   ∙   ONE HOT MINUTE   ∙   Warped   ∙   My Friends   ∙   Coffee Shop   ∙   Aeroplane   ∙   1996   ∙   Love Rollercoaster   ∙   1999   ∙   CALIFORNICATION   ∙   Californication   ∙   Scar Tissue   ∙   Road Trippin’   ∙   Otherside   ∙   Around the World   ∙  

∙   2002   ∙   BY THE WAY   ∙   The Zephyr Song   ∙   By the Way   ∙   Universally Speaking   ∙   Can’t Stop   ∙   2003   ∙   Fortune Faded   ∙ 2006   ∙   STADIUM ARCADIUM   ∙   Tell Me Baby   ∙   Snow (Hey Oh)   ∙   Hump de Bump   ∙   Desecration Smile   ∙   Dani California   ∙   Charlie   ∙  

∙   2011   ∙   I’M WITH YOU   ∙   Monarchy of Roses   ∙   Look Around   ∙   Brendan’s Death Song   ∙   The Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie   ∙   2016   ∙   THE GETAWAY   ∙   Sick Love   ∙   Goodbye Angels   ∙   Go Robot   ∙   Dark Necessities   ∙  

Kino (Кино)

KINO (Кино) .. Soviet rock 1982


The “Kino fans wall” in Arbat street, Moscow


Kino is the first mass-success of Soviet rock, a  success due to superb compositions backed by a sleek, solid new-wave sound from 1987. The group is created in 1981 in Leningrad by Viktor Tsoi (1962-1990) who dies in a car crash in Latvia in August 1990. Kino releases 120 songs in 8 studio LPs between 1982 and 1990 and disbands upon the death of its singer-composer. Tsoi instantly becomes a legend of Soviet rock.


∙   1982 FORTY-FIVE / 45   ∙   Electrical train / Электричка   ∙   Girl of 8th class / Восьмиклассница   ∙   We have time but no money / Время есть а денег нет   ∙   1983   ∙   FORTY-SIX / 46   ∙   General / Генерал   ∙   1984   ∙   CHIEF OF KAMCHATKA / Начальник Камчатки   ∙   Kamchatka / Камчатка   ∙   Trolleybus / троллейбус   ∙ 

∙   1985 THIS IS’NT LOVE / Это не любовь…   ∙   Spring / Весна   ∙   This isn’t love   / Это не любовь…   ∙   1986   ∙   NIGHT / Ночь   ∙   The last hero / Последний Герой   ∙   The stars will remain here / Звезды останутся здесь   ∙

∙   1987   ∙   SINGLE from movie ‘Assa’ / Фильм ‘Асса’   ∙   I want change / Хочу перемен   ∙   1988   ∙   BLOOD GROUP / Группа крови   ∙   Blood group / Группа крови   ∙   We’ll take it from there! / Дальше действовать будем мы!   ∙   War / Война   ∙   Good night / Спокойная ночь   ∙   Close the door behind me   / Закрой за мной дверь   ∙   Summer is ending (movie ‘Igla’) / Кончится лето   ∙  

∙   1989   ∙   THE LAST HERO (Best of / 2nd versions)   ∙   Electrical train / Электричка (orig. 1982)  ∙   Trolleybus / троллейбус (orig. 1984)  ∙   The last hero / Последний Герой (orig. 1986)  ∙   I want change / Хочу перемен (orig. 1987)   ∙   1989   ∙   A STAR CALLED SUN / Звезда по имени Солнце   ∙   Bang / Стук   ∙   Song without words / Песня Без Слов   ∙   Legend / Легенда   ∙   A star called Sun / Звезда по имени солнце   ∙   A pack of cigarettes / Пачка сигарет   ∙

∙   1990 LIVE clip at Luzhniki stadium  / Лужники клип   ∙   Otoman / Атаман   ∙   1990   ∙   THE BLACK ALBUM / Чёрный альбом   ∙   Cheerless song / Невесёлая песня   ∙   We’re with you / Нам с тобой   ∙   Cuckoo / Кукушка   ∙   Watch yourself / Следи за собой   ∙  



Aquarium (Аквариум)

AQUARIUM & BG (Аквариум & БГ) .. Soviet rock 1980s / ..Russian rock 1990s


Boris Grebenshchikov (BG), 1984 / Бори́с Бори́сович Гребенщико́в (БГ)


Aquarium was created in 1972 in Leningrad by Boris Grebenshchikov (‘BG’, born 1953) and Anatoly Gunitsky (b.1953). With Aquarium and throughout his solo-career, BG released 57 LP albums from 1974 to 2021. 


Aquarium (Аквариум)

1981   ∙   Railway water (ver. 2012) / Железнодорожная вода   ∙   25 at 10 /   25 к 10   ∙   1982   ∙   Ash (clip 1985) / Пепел   ∙   1983   ∙   TV show : songs   BG 1981-1983 / Борис Гребенжиков 1981-1983   ∙   1984   ∙   Dreams / Сны   ∙   1986   ∙   TV show Musical Ring (1h09′) / Аквариум в телепередаче Музыкальный ринг   ∙   Dances on the border of spring / Танцы На Грани Весны   ∙   Golden City (movie ‘Assa’ 1987) / Город золотой (фильм Асса, 1987)   ∙   Ten arrows / десять стрел   ∙  

∙   1987   ∙   This train’s on fire / Этот поезд в огне   ∙   The ‘Dialog’ concert / Концерт “Диалог”   ∙   1988   ∙   Janitors’ generation (film doc. Soviet rock) / Поколение дворников   ∙   1989   ∙   Radio silence (New York TV clip)   ∙  

∙   1991   ∙   Captain of the crows / Капитан Воронин   ∙   1992   ∙   Wolves and ravens / Волки и Вороны   ∙   1995   ∙   Three sisters / Три сестры   ∙   It fits / Мается   ∙   1996   ∙   When in pain   / Когда пройдет боль   ∙   ∙   1997   ∙   Shade (Where do I know you from?) / Тень (Откуда я знаю тебя?)   ∙  

∙   2002   ∙   Tough / Брод   ∙   Psalm 151 / Псалом 151   ∙   2003   ∙   Man from Kemerovo / Человек из Кемерово   ∙   Northern colour / Северный цвет   ∙   Yellow moon (ver. 2013) / Жёлтая Луна   ∙   Fog over the Yangtze River / Туман над Янцзы   ∙   2005   ∙   Garçon n°2 / Гарсон No. 2   ∙   2006   ∙   Mama I don’t want to drink anymore / Мама я не могу больше пить   ∙   2008   ∙   Unexplained / Неизъяснимо   ∙   ∙   2009   ∙   Promised day / Обещанный День   ∙   The girls dance alone / Девушки Танцуют Одни   ∙  

∙   2010   ∙   Secret Usbek / Тайный Узбек   ∙   2013   ∙   Harvest Festival at the Palace of Labour (BG) / Праздник Урожая Во Дворце Труда (БГ)   ∙   That hasn’t been and won’t be (BG) / Не Было Такой И Не Будет (БГ)   ∙   2014   ∙   Selfie (BG) / Селфи (БГ)   ∙   I came to drink water (BG) / Пришел пить воду (БГ)   ∙   2015   ∙   Song of the not-loved   / Песни Нелюбимых   ∙   2018   ∙   Time N / Время N   ∙   2022   ∙   Dubrovsky (Sound of peace)   ∙


Luis Miguel

LUIS MIGUEL: .. Mexican pop .. 80s & 90s


Luis Miguel


Luis Miguel (Luis Miguel Gallego Basteri, Mexico, born 1970 in Puerto Rico), photos 1992/85

Luis Miguel lanza su primer album en 1982 a la edad de 12 años, gana su primer premio Grammy dos años después y actúa en dos películas en 1984/85. Durante los siguientes 30 años, graba otros 20 LP de estudio, todos en español, encabeza regularmente las listas de éxitos y produce giras de mega-conciertos.

Luis Miguel releases his debut LP in 1982 at the age of 12, wins his first Grammy Award two years later and acts in two movies in 1984/85. During the following 30 years, he records another 20 studio LP albums, all in Spanish, regularly tops the Charts and produces mega concert Tours.


∙  1982  ∙  UN SOL  ∙  1 + 1 = 2 Enamorados  ∙  Adolescente Soñador  ∙  DIRECTO AL CORAZÓN  ∙  Directo Al Corazón  ∙  La Juventud  ∙  1983  ∙Ya nunca más  ∙  DECÍDETE  ∙  Decídete  ∙  No Me Puedes Dejar Así  ∙  Soy Como Soy  ∙  1984  ∙  TAMBIEN ES ROCK (rock covers)  ∙  1984  ∙  PALABRA DE HONOR  ∙  Tú No Tienes Corazón  ∙  La Chica Del Bikini Azul  ∙  Palabra de Honor  ∙  Isabel  ∙  Me Gustas Tal Como Eres  ∙

∙  1985  ∙  FIEBRA DE AMOR  ∙  Fiebre de Amor  ∙  Todo El Amor Del Mundo (with Lucerito)  ∙  1987  ∙  SOY COMO QUIERO SER  ∙  Ahora Te Puedes Marchar  ∙  Yo Que No Vivo Sin Tí  ∙  Cuando Calienta el Sol  ∙  Soy Como Quiero Ser  ∙  1988  ∙  BUSCA UNA MUJER  ∙  Fría Como el Viento  ∙  La Incondicional  ∙ 

∙  1990  ∙  20 AÑOS  ∙  Entrégate  ∙  Tengo todo excepto a ti  ∙  Será que no me amas (Blame It on the Boogie)  ∙  1991  ∙  ROMANCE  ∙  Contigo en la Distancia   ∙  No Sé Tú  ∙  1992  ∙  América América  ∙  1993  ∙  ARIES  ∙  Suave  ∙  Ayer  ∙  Hasta Que Me Olvides  ∙  1994  ∙  SEGUNDO ROMANCE  ∙  El Día Que Me Quieras (orig. Carlos Gardel)  ∙  La Media Vuelta  ∙  Delirio  ∙

∙  1995  Si Nos Dejan  ∙  1996  ∙  NADA ES IGUAL  ∙  Dame  ∙  Cómo Es Posible Que a Mi Lado  ∙  Sueña (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)  ∙  1997  ∙  ROMANCES  ∙  Por Debajo de la Mesa  ∙  1999  ∙  AMARTE ES UN PLACER  ∙  O Tú o Ninguna  ∙  Dormir Contigo  ∙  Amarte Es un Placer  ∙ 

∙  2000  ∙  La Bikina  ∙  Y  ∙  2001  ∙  MIS ROMANCES  ∙  Amor, Amor, Amor  ∙  2003  ∙  33  ∙  Te Necesito  ∙  2004  ∙  MÉXICO EN LA PIEL  ∙  El Viajero  ∙  Que Seas Feliz  ∙  2006  ∙  NAVIDADES  ∙  Santa Claus Llegó A La Ciudad   ∙  2008  ∙  CÓMPLICES  ∙  Te Desean  ∙  Si Tú Te Atreves  ∙  2017  ∙  ¡MÉXICO POR SIEMPRE!  ∙  La Fiesta Del Mariachi  ∙ 

Talk Talk


UK synth-pop, new wave and post-rock…. 1982-1991

Talk Talk 1982-1991
Talk Talk in 1984 – Paul Webb (1962-..), Mark Hollis (1955-2019), Lee Harris (1962-..)

Formed in 1981 in London, Talk Talk began delivering superb synth-pop and new wave on their 1982 and 1984 LPs. They went on with extraordinary music on their 1986 album ‘The colour of Spring’ and finished with two albums of beautiful but unmarketable music in 1988 and 1991. Recall here that their 1984 music video ‘Such a shame‘ is one of the most exhilarating clip ever produced and their 1986 ‘Time it’s time‘ one of the greatest music track ever.


  ∙  1982  ∙  THE PARTY’S OVER  ∙  Mirror man  ∙  Talk Talk  ∙  Today   ∙  The party’s over  ∙  Another world  ∙  1983  ∙  SINGLE  ∙  My foolish friend  ∙

∙  1984  ∙  IT’S MY LIFE  ∙  Dum dum girl  ∙  Such a shame  ∙  Renée   ∙  It’s my life  ∙  Tomorrow started  ∙

∙  1986  ∙  COLOUR OF SPRING  ∙  Happiness is easy  ∙  I don’t believe in you  ∙  Life’s what you make it  ∙  Living in another world  ∙  Give it up  ∙  Time it’s time  ∙

∙  1988  ∙  SPIRIT OF EDEN  ∙  The Rainbow  ∙  Eden  ∙  Desire  ∙  I believe in you  ∙

∙  1991  ∙  LAUGHING STOCK  ∙  Ascencion day   ∙  After the flood   ∙  Taphead  ∙  New grass  ∙ 



.O.Rang (Lee Harris & Paul Webb, experimental rock)  ∙  HERD OF INSTINCT  ∙  1994  ∙  Mind on pleasure  ∙  .O.Rang  ∙  Anaon, the oasis  ∙  Nahoojek-Fogou  ∙  1996  ∙  FIELDS AND WAVES  ∙  Barren  ∙  Hoo  ∙  Jalap  ∙  Forest   ∙ 

Mark Hollis (solo album, experimental)  ∙  1998  ∙  The colour of Spring  ∙  Watershed  ∙  Inside looking out  ∙

Talk Talk compilation  ∙  1998  ∙  ASIDES BESIDES  ∙  Without you  ∙  Pictures of Bernadette  ∙  Strike up the band  ∙  Why is it so hard?  ∙  Again a game  ∙  It’s getting late in the evening  ∙  For what it’s worth  ∙  John Cope  ∙ 



USA alternative rock ..1987 .. 90s

Peter Buck (b. 1956 Berkeley), Michael Stipe (born 1960 Georgia), Bill Berry (b. 1958 Duluth, Minnesota) and Mike Mills (b. 1958 Orange County) / photo 1983.

R.E.M. is formed in Athens, Georgia in 1980, reaches the top of the Charts with the single ‘The One I love (1987) and remains at the forefront of US alt-rock during the next 10 years. From 1983 to 2011, the band R.E.M. publishes 210 songs in 16 studio albums LP/EP.


∙  1981  ∙  SINGLE  ∙  Radio Free Europe  ∙  CHRONIC TOWN (EP)  ∙  Wolves, lower  ∙  1983  ∙  MURMUR  ∙  Talk about the passion  ∙  Perfect circle  ∙  1984  ∙  RECKONING  ∙  So. Central rain (I’m sorry)  ∙  Pretty persuasion  ∙  1985  ∙  FABLES OF THE RECONSTRUCTION  ∙  Driver 8  ∙  Can’t get there from here  ∙  Wendell Gee  ∙

∙  1986  ∙  LITTLE RICH PAGEANT  ∙  Fall on me  ∙  Superman  ∙  1987  ∙  DOCUMENT  ∙  The one I love  ∙  Finest worksong  ∙  It’s the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine)  ∙  DEAD LETTER OFFICE (B-sides)  ∙  Ages of you  ∙  1988  ∙  GREEN  ∙  Stand  ∙  World leader pretend  ∙  Orange crush  ∙  Pop song 89  ∙  Get up  ∙  Turn you inside out  ∙ 

∙  1991  ∙  OUT OF TIME  ∙  Losing my religion  ∙  Shiny happy people  ∙  Radio song  ∙  Low  ∙  Country feedback  ∙  Texarkana  ∙  1992  ∙  AUTOMATIC FOR THE PEOPLE  ∙  Find the river  ∙  Drive  ∙  Everybody hurts  ∙  Man on the moon  ∙  The sidewinder sleeps tonite  ∙  1992  ∙  SINGLE  ∙  First we take Manhattan  ∙

∙  1994  ∙  MONSTER  ∙  Bang and blame  ∙  Crush with eyeliner  ∙  Strange currencies  ∙  Tongue  ∙  1996  ∙  NEW ADVENTURES IN HiFi  ∙  e-bow the letter  ∙  Bittersweet me  ∙  How the West was won and where it got us  ∙  Electrolite  ∙  1998  ∙  UP  ∙  Lotus  ∙  Suspicion  ∙  Daysleeper  ∙  1999  ∙  SINGLE  ∙  The great beyond (soundtrack ‘Man on the moon’)  ∙ 

∙  2001  ∙  REVEAL  ∙  All the way to Reno (you’re gonna be a star)  ∙  Imitation of life  ∙  I’ll Take the rain  ∙  2003  ∙  SINGLES  ∙  Bad day  ∙  Animal  ∙  2004  ∙  AROUND THE SUN  ∙  Leaving New-York  ∙  Electron blue  ∙  Aftermath  ∙ 

∙  2008  ∙  ACCELERATE  ∙  Until the day Is done  ∙  Supernatural  ∙  Superserious  ∙  Hollow man  ∙  Man-sized wreath  ∙  2011  ∙  COLLAPSE INTO NOW  ∙  ÜBerlin  ∙  It happened today  ∙  Discoverer  ∙  Mine smell like honey  ∙  Blue  ∙  2011  ∙  SINGLE  ∙  We all go back to where we belong, John  ∙   


MICHAEL STIPE collaborations with..

∙   1992   ∙   Neneh Cherry   ∙   1994   ∙   Kristin Hersh   ∙   1997   ∙   Patti Smith   ∙   Vic Chesnutt   ∙   1998   ∙   Grant Lee Buffalo   ∙   2002   ∙   1 Giant Leap   ∙   2006   ∙   Placebo   ∙   2007   ∙   Miguel Bosé   ∙   2020   ∙   Big Red Machine   ∙