
CHRISTOPHE: .. France, chanson-variété 1965 / Pop rock 2001



Christophe (Daniel Bevilacqua, 1945-2020 Essonne-Brest)


Né en Essone d’une famille émigrée du Frioul, icône des années 60/70 et auteur d’un come-back spectaculaire dans les années 2000, le génial chanteur-musicien lyrique aux mots bleus, dandy-kitch autoproclamé, s’en est allé à 75 ans. Ses premiers succès ‘Aline‘ et ‘Les marionnettes‘ (1965) siègent aux grands-classiques, ‘La petite fille du 3ème‘ (1971) conserve la fraîcheur de la rosée du matin et son CD ‘Comm’si la terre penchait‘ (2001) reste l’un des opus les plus spectaculaires jamais produits par la chanson française. C’est en hommage à ‘Aline‘ qu’Alain Bashung écrit ‘Alcaline‘ (1989), chanson dont Christophe enregistre lui-même une version magique en 2011 en l’honneur de son défunt ami.

Born in Essone to an emigrant family from Friuli, icon of the 60s & 70s and author of a spectacular comeback in the 2000s, the brilliant lyrical singer-musician and self-proclaimed kitch dandy passed away at age 75.

1964  ∙  Reviens Sophie  ∙  1965  ∙  CHRISTOPHE  ∙  Aline  ∙  Les marionnettes  ∙  Je ne t’aime plus  ∙  La fille aux yeux bleus  ∙  Je suis parti  ∙  1967  ∙  La petite gamine  ∙  1971  ∙  La petite fille du 3ème  ∙  1972  ∙  MAIN DANS LA MAIN  ∙  Oh mon amour  ∙  Main dans la main  ∙  Nue comme la mer  ∙  1973  ∙  LES PARADIS PERDUS  ∙  Les paradis perdus  ∙  Mère tu es la seule  ∙

∙  1974  ∙  LES MOTS BLEUS  ∙  Les mots bleus  ∙  Señorita  ∙ 1975  ∙  Petite fille du soleil  ∙  1976  ∙  SAMOURAÏ  ∙  Daisy  ∙  Samourai  ∙  1977  ∙  La dolce vita  ∙  1978  ∙  Un peu menteur  ∙  Le beau bizarre  ∙  1980  ∙  L’Italie  ∙  1983  ∙  Succès fou  ∙  1984  ∙  J’l’ai pas touchée  ∙  1985  ∙  Ne raccroche pas  ∙  1988  ∙  Chiqué chiqué  ∙ 

∙  1996  ∙  BEVILACQUA  ∙  J’t’aime à l’envers  ∙  Enzo  ∙  Le tourne-cœur  ∙  Parfums d’histoires  ∙  2001  ∙  COMM’SI LA TERRE PENCHAIT  ∙  Comme un interdit  ∙  Voir  ∙  J’aime l’ennui  ∙  Nuage d’or  ∙  Ces petits luxes  ∙  Comm’si la terre penchait  ∙  2007  ∙  HOMMAGE à MICHEL BERGER  ∙  Chanter pour ceux  ∙  2008  ∙  AIMER CE QUE NOUS SOMMES  ∙  T’aimer follement  ∙  Wo Wo Wo Wo  ∙  Parle-lui de moi  ∙

2011  ∙  Alcaline (à Bashung)  ∙  2012  ∙  Fairlight  ∙  2013  ∙  PARADIS RETROUVÉ  ∙  Stay away  ∙  Silence on meurt  ∙  2016  ∙  LES VESTIGES DU CHAOS  ∙  Océan d’amour  ∙  Dangereuse  ∙  Lou  ∙  Tangerine  ∙  2019 ∙  CHRISTOPHE, ETC..  ∙  La petite fille du 3ème  (Christophe & Jeanne Added)   ∙  Les marionnettes (Christophe & ‘Vive la Fête’) 


∙Christophe (2001) Comm'si la terre penchait
Christophe (CD 2001) Comm’si la terre penchait

Bob Marley & The Wailers

BOB MARLEY .. JAMAICA .. Rocksteady 60s .. Reggae 70s


Bob Marley


Bob Marley (Robert Nesta Marley, 1945-1981, Kingston) is reggae’s greatest ambassador . He is diagnosed with skin cancer in 1977 and dies of the disease at age 36. 


∙  1963  ∙  Simmer down (with the Skatellites)  ∙  1965  ∙  One love  ∙  1967  ∙  Nice time  ∙ 

∙  1970  ∙  Soul rebel  ∙  1971  ∙  Sun is shining  ∙  1973  ∙  Stir it up  ∙  Concrete jungle  ∙  Slave driver  ∙  Duppy Conqueror (orig. “Peenie Wallie“, 1970 Jackie Mitoo)  ∙ 

∙  1976  ∙  Roots, rock, reggae  ∙  Positive vibration  ∙  I shot the sheriff  ∙  No woman no cry  ∙  1977  ∙  Natural mystic  ∙  Get up, stand up  ∙  War / No more trouble  ∙  The heathen  ∙  Jammin’  ∙  One love  ∙  Them belly full (but we hungry)  ∙  Burnin’ and lootin’  ∙  Waiting in vain  ∙  1978  ∙  Satisfy my soul  ∙  Is this love  ∙  Sun is shining (Kaya)  ∙ 

∙  1980  ∙  Redemption song  ∙  We and dem  ∙  Could you be loved  ∙  Three little birds  ∙  1983  ∙  Buffalo soldier (recorded 1978)  ∙  1992  ∙  Iron Lion Zion (recorded 1973)  ∙

Joan Manuel Serrat

JOAN MANUEL SERRAT: .. Spain, singer-songwriter .. 1965


(photo 1970/ 1990/ 2000s)


Joan Manuel Serrat (born in 1943 in Barcelona) is the son of a union anarchist worker. Graduated in agronomy in 1965, he starts composing and singing popular songs in Catalan in 1960 and starts delivering also in Spanish as of 1968. His 8th LP Mediterráneo (1971) achieves cult status with 10 famous songs that include ‘Pueblo blanco‘ and ‘La mujer que yo quiero‘. He spends two years in exile in Mexico in 1974-75 until the death of the “Caudillo” for his critics of the regime. His LP Utopía (1992) delivers the colorful epic ‘Disculpe el señor’. In almost 50 years, Joan Manuel Serrat publishes 360 songs in 33 studio albums . 



∙  1965  UNA GUITARRA (EP)  ∙  Una guitarra  ∙  Ella em deixa  ∙  La mort de l’avi  ∙  El Mocador  ∙  1966  ARA QUE TINC VINT ANYS (EP)  ∙  Ara que tinc vint anys  ∙  Quan arriba el fred  ∙  El drapaire  ∙  Sofa un cirerer florit  ∙  1967  ARA QUE TINC VINT ANYS (LP)  ∙  Me’n vaig a peu  ∙  La tieta  ∙  Canço de bressol  ∙  Balada per a un trobador  ∙  Els vells amants  ∙  Els titelles  ∙

∙  1968 SINGLE  ∙  La la la  ∙  CANCONS TRADICIONALS  ∙  Canço de matinada  ∙  El testament d´Amèlia  ∙  La presó del rei de França  ∙  COMO HO FA EL VENT  ∙  Paraules d’amor  ∙  Cançó de matinada  ∙  De mica en mica  ∙  En qualsevol lloc   ∙  Com ho fa el vent  ∙  La Carmeta   ∙ 

∙  1970  SERRAT 4  ∙  20 de març  ∙  Els veremadors  ∙  Conillet de vellut  ∙  1973  PER AL MEU AMIC  ∙  Helena  ∙  Caminant per l’herba  ∙  Per al meu amic  ∙  El vell  ∙  1976  RES NO ÉS MESQUI  ∙  Res no és mesquí  ∙  Cançó de l’amor efímera  ∙  Collita de fruitsisca  ∙

∙  1980  TAL COM RAJA  ∙  Per què la gent s’avorreix tant?  ∙  Temps era temps  ∙  Cançó de l’amor petit  ∙  Fins que cal dir adéu  ∙  1984  FA VINT ANYS QUE TINC VINT ANYS  ∙  El falcó  ∙  Infants  ∙  Fa vint anys que tinc vint anys  ∙  1989  MATERIAL SENSIBLE  ∙  La lluna  ∙  Kubala  ∙  Salam Rashid  ∙  1996  BANDA SONORA D’UN TEMPS, D’UN PAÍS  ∙  Si jo fos pescador  ∙  Les floristes de la Rambla  ∙  2006  MÔ  ∙    ∙  Mala mar  ∙  Capgròs  ∙ 



∙  1968  SINGLES  ∙  El Titiritero  ∙  Mis Gaviotas  ∙  Poema de amor  ∙  Tu nombre me sabe a hierba  ∙  1969  LA PALOMA  ∙  Penélope  ∙  La Paloma  ∙  Poco antes de que den las diez  ∙  DEDICADO A ANTONIO MACHADO, POETA  ∙  Cantares  ∙  La saeta  ∙  En Colliure  ∙  1970  MI NIÑEZ  ∙  Fiesta  ∙  Mi Niñez  ∙  Cuando me vaya (y me iré de aqui)  ∙  Si la muerte pisa mi huerto  ∙

∙  1971  MEDITERRÁNEO  ∙  Mediterráneo  ∙  Aquellas pequeñas cosas  ∙  Pueblo blanco  ∙  Vencidos  ∙  Qué va a ser de ti  ∙  Lucía  ∙  La mujer que yo quiero  ∙  Tío Alberto  ∙  1972  MIGUEL HERNÁNDEZ  ∙  Elegía  ∙  Para la libertad  ∙  Romancillo de mayo  ∙  Nanas de la cebolla  ∙  1974  PARA VIVIR  ∙  Edurne  ∙  Romance de Curro «El Palmo»  ∙  Canción infantil…  ∙  LIVE ∙ 12 songs in concert  ∙  1975  PARA PIEL DE MANZANA  ∙  Piel de manzana  ∙  Caminito de la obra  ∙  Epitafio para Joaquín Pasos  ∙  1976  LIVE  La vida no vale nada  ∙  1978  LP ‘1978’  ∙  Irene  ∙  Historia conocida  ∙  Ciudadano  ∙  Cenicienta de porcelana  ∙  Tordos y caracoles  ∙

∙  1981  EN TRÁNSITO  ∙  Porque la quería  ∙  Las malas compañías  ∙  Esos locos bajitos  ∙  1983  CADA LOCO CON SU TEMA  ∙  Cada loco con su tema  ∙  El horizonte  ∙  Algo personal  ∙  De vez en cuando la vida  ∙  Sinceramente tuyo  ∙  1984  EN DIRECTO (LIVE)  ∙  Cambalache  ∙  1985  EL SUR TAMBIEN EXISTE  ∙  El Sur también existe  ∙  De árbol a árbol  ∙  Hagamos un trato  ∙  1986  SINCERAMENTE TEU  ∙  Sinceramente teu (ft Maria Bethânia)  ∙  Cada qual com sua mania  (ft Caetano Veloso)  ∙  1987  BIENAVENTURADOS  ∙ Bienaventurados  ∙  Llegar a viejo  ∙  Detrás, está la gente  ∙

∙  1992  UTOPÍA  ∙  Disculpe el señor  ∙  Toca madera  ∙  Mírame y no me toques  ∙  Utopía  ∙  Juan y José  ∙  1994  NADIE ES PERFECTO  ∙  Benito  ∙  Te guste o no  ∙  Mensajes de amor de curso legal  ∙  Por dignidad  ∙  1998  SOMBRAS DE LA CHINA  ∙  Los macarras de la moral  ∙  Más que a nadie  ∙  Secreta mujer  ∙  Princesa  ∙  Dondequiera que estés  ∙ 

2000  CANSIONES  ∙  En la vida todo es ir  ∙  El amor, amor  ∙  El cigarrito  ∙  De un mundo raro  ∙  2002  VERSOS EN LA BOCA  ∙  De cuando estuve loco  ∙  Es caprichoso el azar  ∙  Señor de la noche  ∙  2007  DOS PÁJAROS DE UN TIRO (con Sabina)  ∙  Aquellas pequeñas cosas/Ruido/El muerto vivo  ∙  Lucía/ La del pirata Cojo  ∙  2010  HIJO DE LA LUZ DE LA SOMBRA  ∙  Uno de aquellos  ∙   Hijo de la luz y de la sombra  ∙  2012  LA ORQUESTA DEL TÍTANIC (Serrat/Sabina)  ∙  Acuérdate de mí  ∙  Ocupen su localidad /Hoy puede ser un gran día  ∙  Con la frente marchita   ∙ 


Interviews:  1972  ∙  Canal 04 Perú  ∙  1977  ∙  A fondo TVE  ∙  1981  ∙  En tránsito TVE  ∙  2022  ∙  Discurso al recibir la Gran Cruz de la Orden Civil de Alfonso X el Sabio  ∙

Simon and Garfunkel


Simon and Garfunkel – Art Garfunkel (1941, NYC, NY) and Paul Simon (1941, Newark, NJ)

Simon and Garfunkel meet at school in 1953 and start playing at age 16 as a duo under the name ‘Tom & Jerry‘. They perform as Simon & Garfunkel between 1964 and 1970, publishing 5 studio LPs and 1 soundtrack album (movie ‘The Graduate‘, 1967), achieving worldwide recognition.  Both Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel also lead solo careers as musicians and actors. 



As ‘TOM & JERRY’  ∙   1957  ∙  The girl for me  ∙  Hey schoolgirl  ∙  Dancin’ wild   ∙  1958  ∙  Our song  ∙  That’s my story  ∙

1964  ∙  WEDNESDAY MORNING, 3 A.M.  ∙  Bleecker Street  ∙  The sounds of silence  ∙  He was my brother  ∙  1966  ∙  SOUNDS OF SILENCE  ∙  Leaves that are green  ∙  I am a rock  ∙  Richard Cory  ∙  Kathy’s song (ver. 2008)  ∙  SINGLE  ∙  Homeward bound  ∙  PARSLEY, SAGE, ROSEMARY AND THYME  ∙  Scarborough Fair/Canticle  ∙  Patterns  ∙  The dangling conversation  ∙  Flowers never bend with the rainfall  ∙  For Emily, whenever I may find her  ∙ 

1967  ∙  THE GRADUATE (Soundtrack)  ∙  Mrs. Robinson  ∙  1967  ∙  SINGLES  ∙  At the Zoo  ∙  Fakin’ it  ∙  1968  ∙  BOOKENDS  ∙  Old friends (ver. 1981)  ∙  America (ver. 1981)  ∙  1969  ∙  SINGLE  ∙  The boxer  ∙  1970 (Jan.) ∙  BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED WATER  ∙  Bridge over troubled water (ver. 1981)  ∙  The only living boy in New York  ∙  Cecilia  ∙  So long, Frank Lloyd Wright  ∙  Bye bye, love (orig. 1957 The Everly Brothers)  ∙



PAUL SIMON solo career

1958  ∙  True or false / Teenage fool  (Paul Simon as True Taylor) ∙  Forever and after  (Paul Simon as Jerry Landis)   ∙  1962  ∙  Carlos Dominguez  (Paul Simon as Paul Kane)  ∙  1965  ∙  The side of a hill  ∙

∙  1972  ∙  Duncan  ∙  Mother and child reunion (ver. 2012)  ∙  1973  ∙  Something so right  ∙  Kodachrome (ver. 1981)  ∙  1975  ∙  50 ways to leave your lover  ∙  1976  ∙  Still crazy after all these years  ∙  1977  ∙  Slip slidin’ away (ver. 1981)  ∙  1986  ∙  Graceland  ∙  You can call me Al  ∙  1987  ∙  Under African skies  ∙  The boy in the bubble  ∙  1990  ∙  The obvious child  ∙  Proof  ∙  [..]  ∙  2016  ∙  Wristband  ∙  [..]


ART GARFUNKEL solo career

1973  ∙  All I know  ∙  1975  ∙  I only have eyes for you  ∙  Breakaway  ∙  1977  ∙  Watermark  ∙  Crying in my sleep  ∙  Marionette  ∙  She moved through the fair  ∙  1979  ∙  Bright eyes  ∙  1981  ∙  A heart in New York  ∙  1988  ∙  So much in love  ∙


Sandro de América

SANDRO DE AMÉRICA: .. Argentina .. Rock 1963 / Pop song 1969


Sandro de América
Sandro y Los De Fuego / Sandro de América (Roberto Sánchez Ocampo, 1945-2010, Buenos Aires-Mendoza, gypsy origins)


Sandro de América records 450 songs in 43 studio LP albums between 1963 and 2006 and also acts in 15 films where he plays the leading role. Initially delivering rock, rockabilly and beat-pop, Sandro converts to general public variety-music as of 1966 and features prominently on the Argentine scene during five years.


∙   1963   ∙   ¿A esto le llamas amor? (orig. Paul Anka)   ∙   Choza de azúcar (orig. ‘Sugar Shack’ 1963 Jimmy Gilmer)   ∙   1964 & 1965 SANDRO Y LOS DE FUEGO   ∙   Viajero solitario (trad. US folk ‘Lonesome Traveler’)   ∙   No puedo esperarte más Nena   ∙  

∙   1966   ∙   ALMA Y FUEGO   ∙   Como Caja De Música   ∙   1967   ∙   Ave de paso   ∙   Miguel e Isabel   ∙   1968   ∙   QUIERO LLENARME DE TI   ∙   Quiero llenarme de ti   ∙    Atmósfera pesada   ∙   UNA MUCHACHA Y UNA GUITARRA   ∙   Porque yo te amo   ∙   Una muchacha y una guitarra   ∙   Como lo hice yo   ∙   LA MAGIA DE SANDRO   ∙   Tengo   ∙   Así   ∙   Penumbras   ∙   Me amas y me dejas   ∙   Penas   ∙  

∙   1969   ∙   SANDRO DE AMÉRICA   ∙   Rosa Rosa   ∙   Palabras viejas   ∙   Fácil De Olvidar   ∙   SANDRO   ∙   Trigal   ∙   El hombre que perdió sus ilusiones   ∙   La causa de este amor   ∙   Con cuanto amor   ∙   1970 SOUNTRACK ‘MUCHACHO’   ∙   Te propongo   ∙   La vida sigue igual   ∙   Te quiero tanto amada mía   ∙   Se te Nota   ∙   Pupilas de cielo breve   ∙   Yo soy gitano   (film ‘Embrujo de amor’ 1970)   ∙  

∙   1971   ∙   SANDRO ESPECTACULAR   ∙   Dame el fuego de tu amor   ∙   Si tú te vas   ∙   1972   ∙   TE ESPERO   ∙   Amarte es mi castigo   ∙   Me juego entero por tu amor   ∙   1973   ∙   DESPUES DE DIEZ AÑOS   ∙   Mi amigo El Puma   ∙   Volverán los días   ∙   1975   ∙   TÚ ME ENLOQUECES   ∙   Hace tiempo, mucho tiempo   ∙   Tú me enloqueces   ∙   1984   ∙   VENGO A OCUPAR MI LUGAR   ∙   Abriéndole la Puerta Al Diablo   ∙  


The Rolling Stones



Keith Richards (1943-..), Mick Jagger (1943-..), Charlie Watts (1941-..), Brian Jones (1942-69), Bill Wyman (1936-..). photo 1964 – other band members include Ronnie Wood (1947-..) since 1974, Mick Taylor (1949-..) from 1969 to 1974 and Ian Stewart (1938-85) from 1962 to 1963.


The Rolling Stones released 350 songs in 30 studio albums in 1963-2016 and also published 28 live LPs. The band started with covers of famous RnB songs and carried on with own compositions as of 1965. Except for its 1966/67 forays into prog-rock and occasional incursions into pop-rock, it remained faithful to its original Rythm n’Blues roots throughout the 50 years of its career.


∙  SINGLES   ∙   June 1963   ∙   Come on (orig. 1961 Chuck Berry)   ∙   Nov. 1963   ∙   I wanna be your man  (comp. 1963 Lennon McCartney)   ∙   Jan. 1964   ∙   You better move on (orig. 1961 Arthur Alexander)  ∙   Febr. 1964   ∙   Not fade away (orig. 1957 Buddy Holly)  ∙  Apr. 1964   ∙   LP ENGLAND’S NEWEST HIT MAKERS   ∙   Route 66 (orig. 1946 Nat King Cole)  ∙   Carol (orig. 1958 Chuck Berry)  ∙   I’m a king bee (orig. 1957 Slim Harpo)  ∙   Tell Me (you’re coming back)   ∙   SINGLES   ∙   June 1964   ∙   It’s all over now (orig. 1964 Bobby Womack & The Valentinos)  ∙   Sept. 1964   ∙   Time is on my side (orig. 1963 Kai Winding)  ∙  Nov. 1964   ∙   Little red rooster (orig. 1961 Howlin’ Wolf)  ∙  Dec. 1964   ∙   Heart of stone   ∙   

∙   1965   ∙   THE ROLLING STONES N°2   ∙   Off the hook   ∙   OUT OF OUR HEADS   ∙   (I can’t get no) Satisfaction   ∙   The last time   ∙   Play with fire   ∙   I’m alright   ∙   SINGLES   ∙   Get off of my cloud   ∙   As tears go by   ∙   1966   ∙   Have you seen your mother, baby, standing in the shadow?   ∙   Fortune teller   ∙   19th nervous breakdown   ∙   AFTERMATH   ∙   Paint it black   ∙   Mother’s little helper   ∙   Lady Jane   ∙   Under my thumb   ∙  1967   ∙   BETWEEN THE BUTTONS   ∙   Let’s spend the night together   ∙    Ruby Tuesday   ∙   Yesterday’s papers   ∙   SINGLE   ∙   We love you   ∙   THEIR SATANIC MAJESTIES REQUEST   ∙   In another land   ∙   2000 Light years from home   ∙   1968   ∙   SINGLE   ∙   Jumpin’ Jack flash  ∙   BEGGARS BANQUET   ∙   Sympathy for the devil   ∙   Parachute woman   ∙   Street fighting man   ∙   SINGLES   ∙   You can’t always get what you want   ∙   Honky tonk women   ∙   1969   ∙   LET IT BLEED   ∙   Midnight rambler   ∙   Love in vain (orig. 1937 Robert Johnson)  ∙   Live with me   ∙   Gimme shelter   ∙  

∙   1970   ∙   GET YER YA-YA’s OUT! (live)   ∙   Little Queenie   ∙   1971   ∙   STICKY FINGERS   ∙   Brown sugar   ∙   Wild horses   ∙   Sister morphine   ∙   Dead flowers   ∙   1972   ∙   SINGLE   ∙   Let it rock   ∙   EXILE ON MAIN STREET   ∙   Rocks off   ∙   Tumbling dice   ∙   Happy   ∙   All down the line   ∙   1973   ∙   GOAT’S HEAD SOUP   ∙   Doo doo doo doo doo (Heartbreaker)   ∙   Angie   ∙   Star star   ∙   SINGLE   ∙   Sad day   ∙   1974   ∙   IT’S ONLY ROCK’N ROLL   ∙   Ain’t too proud to beg   ∙   It’s only Rock ‘n roll (but I like it)   ∙   Dance little sister   ∙   1975   ∙   I don’t know why (I love you)   ∙   1976   ∙   BLACK AND BLUE   ∙   Hot stuff   ∙   Fool to cry   ∙   1978   ∙   SOME GIRLS   ∙   Miss you   ∙   Respectable   ∙   Beast of burden  ∙


∙   1980   ∙   EMOTIONAL RESCUE   ∙   Emotional rescue   ∙   She’s so cold   ∙   1981   ∙   TATOO YOU   ∙   Start me up   ∙   Waiting on a friend   ∙   Going to a go-go   ∙   1983   ∙   UNDERCOVER   ∙   Undercover of the Night   ∙   She was hot   ∙   Too much blood   ∙   1984   ∙   Think I’m going mad   ∙   1986   ∙   DIRTY WORK   ∙   One hit (to the body)   ∙   Harlem shuffle   ∙   1989   ∙   STEEL WHEELS   ∙   Sad sad sad   ∙   Terrifying   ∙   Rock and a hard place   ∙   Almost hear you sigh   ∙  

∙   1991   ∙   FLASHPOINT (Live LP)   ∙   Highwire   ∙   Sex drive   ∙   1994   ∙   VOODOO LOUNGE   ∙   Love is strong   ∙   Sparks will fly   ∙   Out of tears   ∙   1995   ∙   SINGLE   ∙   Like a rolling stone (orig. 1965 Bob Bylan)   ∙   1997   ∙   BRIDGES TO BABYLON   ∙   Flip the switch   ∙   Anybody seen my baby?   ∙   Out of control   ∙   Saint of me  ∙

∙   2005   ∙   A BIGGER BANG   ∙   Rain fall down   ∙   Streets of love   ∙   2016   ∙   BLUE AND LONESOME   ∙   Ride ’em on down   ∙   Hate to see you go   ∙   2020   ∙   SINGLE   ∙   Living in a ghost town   ∙  

The Beatles

THE BEATLES: UK, British beat (1962) and progressive rock (1967)

The Beatles
John Lennon (1940-80) Ringo Starr (1940-..) Paul McCartney (1942-..) George Harrison (1943-2001) – Photo Don McCullin 1968

The Beatles had three lives in 10 years. In 1960-1962, they feature a stage band delivering traditional R&B and rock’n roll, appearing nearly 500 times on stage mostly in Hamburg and Liverpool Clubs. In 1963-1966, they convert into the world’s #1 pop-hits delivering machine, impersonating the British ‘beat-pop’ wave with 7 studio albums, 13 singles and buoyant international tours. In 1967-1970 the band stops touring but successfully  releases another 7 singles and 6 LPs while shifting to a popular style of progressive rock, even with forays into psychedelic rock with its 1966 tracks ‘Rain‘ and ‘Tomorrow never knows‘. In just over 200 songs, the Beatles claim sales topping 500 million units and are the world’s best-selling musical act ever, together with Elvis Presley. From Uruguay to Russia, everyone loves the Beatles.


∙   1962   ∙   My Bonnie   (Tony Sheridan with the Beatles)   ∙ UNRELEASED   ∙   One after 909   ∙   Take good care of my baby   ∙   1st SINGLE ∙   Love me do   (Oct. 5, 1962)   ∙ 

∙   1963   ∙   Please please me (Jan. 1963) ∙   PLEASE PLEASE ME (March 1963)   ∙   I saw her standing there   ∙   Boys   ∙   Twist and shout   ∙   There’s a place   ∙   SINGLES   ∙   From me to you   ∙   She loves you   ∙   WITH THE BEATLES (Nov. 1963)   ∙   All my loving   ∙   Please Mr. Postman   ∙   I wanna be your man   ∙   SINGLE   ∙   I want to hold your hand   ∙ 

∙   1964   ∙   Can’t buy me love   ∙   You can’t do that   ∙   A HARD DAY’S NIGHT (July 1964)   ∙   A hard day’s night   ∙   Tell me why   ∙   I should have known better   ∙   If I fell   ∙   And I love her   ∙   Can’t buy me love   ∙   Things we said today   ∙   SINGLE   ∙   I feel fine   ∙   BEATLES FOR SALES (Dec. 1964)   ∙   I’m a loser   ∙   Baby’s in black   ∙   Kansas City/Hey, hey, hey, hey   ∙   Eight days a week   ∙   Words of love    ∙   Everybody’s trying to be my baby   ∙ 

∙   1965   ∙   Help!   ∙   I’m down   ∙   HELP! (Aug. 1965)   ∙   You’re going to lose that girl   ∙   Ticket to ride   ∙   Act naturally   ∙   Yesterday   ∙   SINGLES   ∙   Day tripper   ∙   We can work it out   ∙   RUBBER SOUL   (Dec. 1965)   ∙   Nowhere man   ∙   If I needed someone   ∙   Norwegian wood   ∙ 

∙   1966   ∙   Paperback writer   ∙   Rain   ∙   REVOLVER (Aug. 1966) ∙   Eleanor Rigby   ∙   Tomorrow never knows   ∙ 

∙   1967   ∙   SGT PEPPER’S LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND (May 1967)   ∙   Lucy in the sky with diamonds   ∙   A day in the life   ∙   THE MAGICAL MISTERY TOUR (Dec. 1967) ∙   Blue jay way   ∙   Hello, goodbye   ∙   Strawberry fields forever   ∙   Penny Lane   ∙   All you need is love   ∙ 

∙   1968   ∙   Hey Jude   ∙   Revolution   ∙   Lady Madonna   ∙   THE WHITE ALBUM (Nov. 1968)   ∙   Happiness is a warm gun   ∙   Blackbird   ∙   While my guitar gently weeps   ∙ 

∙   1969   ∙   YELLOW SUBMARINE (Jan. 1969)   ∙   Yellow submarine   ∙   Hey bulldog   ∙   SINGLES   ∙   Get back   ∙   Don’t let me down   ∙   The ballad of John and Yoko   ∙   Old brown shoe   ∙   ABBEY ROAD (Sep. 1969)   ∙   Come together   ∙   Something   ∙   I want you (she’s so heavy)   ∙   The end   ∙ 

∙   1970   ∙   LET IT BE (May 1970) ∙   Let it be   ∙   Accross the universe   ∙



A precursor song of psychedelic rock, orignal by The Beatles (1966), covers by:

∙  1968  ∙  Morgana King (USA) ∙  1970  ∙  Little Junior Parker (USA) ∙  1981  ∙  Phil Collins (UK) ∙  1986  ∙  The Chameleons (UK) ∙  1987  ∙  The Mission (UK) ∙  1993  ∙  Los Lobos (USA) ∙  2014  ∙  Inverness  (UK) ∙  2018  ∙  Fractal Cat (USA) ∙  2020  ∙  Mellow Blues (Singapore)

Bob Dylan

BOB DYLAN: American folk (1962) and progressive rock (1965)

Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan (Robert Allen Zimmerman), born 1941 in Minessota, USA – Photo: 1965 press conference, San Francisco


Bob Dylan’s six LPs from 1963 to 1966 – three accoustic, three rock – are major artworks from the 1960s. The singer records more than 500 own-songs and 100 covers between 1962 and 2020. He is also the winner of the 2016 Nobel Prize for Literature, the first musician to receive such distinction. His idea of using ‘cue-cards‘ in his 1965 ‘Subterranean homesick blues’ video-clip was later taken up by many artists. Bob Dylan released his 39th studio album on June 19, 2020.


1961/62 DEMO & BOOTLEGS (released in 1991)  ∙  Hard times in New York town  ∙  Let me die in my footsteps  ∙

1962 BOB DYLAN  ∙  Man of constant sorrow (orig. 1928, Emry Arthur, orig. title “Farewell song”, 1913 Dick Burnett)  ∙  House of the Risin’ Sun  ∙  Song to Woody  ∙   

1963 THE FREEWHEELIN’ BOB DYLAN  ∙  Blowin’ in the wind  ∙  A hard rain’s a-gonna fall  ∙  Masters of war  ∙  Girl from the North country  ∙  Don’t think twice, it’s all right  ∙  1964 THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN’ ∙  The times they are a-changin’  ∙  North country blues  ∙  Ballad of Hollis Brown  ∙  When the ship comes in  ∙  Only a pawn in their game  ∙  The lonesome death of Hattie Carroll  ∙  Boots of Spanish leather  ∙  1964 ANOTHER SIDE OF BOB DYLAN ∙  All I really want to do  ∙  It ain’t me babe  ∙  My back pages  ∙

1965 BRINGING IT ALL BACK HOME ∙  Subterranean homesick blues  ∙  Mr. tambourine man ∙  Maggie’s farm  ∙  It’s all over now, baby blue  ∙  She belongs to me  ∙  Love minus zero/No limit  ∙  1965 HIGHWAY 61 REVISITED ∙  Like a rolling stone  ∙  Highway 61 revisited  ∙  Ballad of a thin man  ∙  1966 BLONDE ON BLONDE ∙   I want you  ∙  Just like a woman  ∙  Visions of Johanna  ∙  Sad-eyed lady of the Lowlands  ∙ 

1967 JOHN WESTLEY HARDING ∙  All along the watchtower  ∙  I’ll be your baby tonight  ∙  1969 NASHVILLE SKYLINE ∙  I threw it all away  ∙  Lay lady lay  ∙  1970 NEW MORNING ∙  If not for you  ∙  Three angels  ∙  Father of night  ∙  1973 PAT GARETT & BILLY THE KID  ∙  Knockin’ on heaven’s door  ∙

1974 PLANET WAVES ∙  Forever young  ∙  1975 BLOOD ON THE TRACKS ∙  Tangled up in blue  ∙  Lily, Rosemary and the jack of hearts  ∙  Shelter from the storm  ∙  1975 DESIRE  ∙  Hurricane  ∙  Isis  ∙  One more cup of coffee    ∙  1978 STREET-LEGAL  ∙  Changing of the guard  ∙  1979 SLOW TRAIN COMING  ∙  Serve somebody  ∙  Man gave names to all the animals  ∙

1980  SAVED  ∙  Saved  ∙  1981 SHOT OF LOVE  ∙  Every grain of sand  ∙  1983 INFIDELS  ∙  Licence to kill  ∙  Sweetheart like you  ∙  1985 EMPIRE BURLESQUE ∙  Tight connection to my heart (Has anybody seen my love?)  ∙  Emotionally yours  ∙  1986  KNOCKED OUT LOADED  Brownsville girl  ∙  1988 TRAVELING WILBURYS (with G. Harrison, T. Petty, R. Orbison, J. Lynne) ∙  Handle with care  ∙  1989 OH MERCY ∙  Most of the time  ∙  Man in the long black coat  ∙  Everything is broken  ∙  What was it you wanted?  ∙  [..]  ∙  1997 TIME OUT OF MY MIND ∙  Cold irons bound  ∙  Not dark yet  ∙  Highlands  ∙  Love sick  ∙

2000 WONDER BOYS SOUNDTRACK ∙  Things have changed  ∙  2001 LOVE AND THEFT  ∙  Tweedle dee & tweedle dum  ∙  Mississippi  ∙  High water (For Charley Patton)  ∙  2006 MODERN TIMES ∙  Thunder on the mountain  ∙  When the deal goes down  ∙  2008 TELL TALE SIGNS ∙  Cross the green mountain  ∙  Dreamin’ of you  ∙  2012 TEMPEST ∙ Duquesne whistle  ∙  Early Roman kings  ∙  2020 ROUGH AND ROUDY WAYS ∙  I’ve made up my mind to give myself to you  ∙  Murder most foul  ∙  I contain multitudes  ∙


How Bob Dylan catapulted folk music (Documentary “Roads rapidly changing”, © Monarch, 118 minutes, 2021)

Miriam Makeba… Mama Africa



Miriam Makeba... Mama Africa
MIRIAM MAKEBA, Johannesburg, South Africa (Zenzile Miriam Makeba, 1932-2008)


Miriam Makeba was born from a Swazi Banthu mother and a Xhosa Nguni father. She used to sing in choirs during her childhood and was also fond of American jazz. She joined the bands ‘The Cuban Brothers’ in the early 50s, ‘The Manhattan Brothers’ in 1953 and ‘The Skylarks’ in 1956 and later appeared in local musical shows and movies. In late 1959, she moved to New York where Harry Belafonte helped her settle in Greenwich Village, perform in jazz clubs, appear on TV shows and release 10 LPs in 1960-67, reaping worldwide recognition with her hit song Pata Pata (1967).

Since the 1960 Sharpeville massacre in Transvaal, she was a fierce and prominent human rights and antiapartheid activist. The U.S. administration harassed her and cancelled her visa in late 1968. She then immigrated to Guinea where she lived until 1985, becoming Guinea’s official delegate to the United Nations and also acting as a diplomat for Ghana while pursuing her musical career. After having relocated to Belgium, she toured with Paul Simon in 1987 in his ‘Graceland‘ world tour. In 1990, five months after Nelson Mandela was released from prison, she headed back home to South-Africa.

Miriam Makeba was married to the exiled South African musician Hugh Masekela in 1963-68 and to the US Civil Rights and Pan-African movements leader Stokely Carmichael in 1968-73. From 1960 to 2000 she released more than 250 songs in 21 studio LP albums, delivering in many musical genres in African languages – mainly Xhosa, Zulu, Sotho and Swahili – and in English, French and Portuguese. In the late 80s, she was given the moniker ‘Mama Africa’.


1954-56   ∙   THE MANHATTAN BROTHERS ft. Miriam Makeba   ∙   Laku Tshoni Ilanga   ∙   1957-58   ∙   THE SKYLARKS ft Miriam Makeba   ∙   Sofiatown is gone   ∙   Lord, make us one   ∙   Hush, Hush   ∙   1959   ∙   SHOWS & MOVIES ft Miriam Makeba   ∙   Into Yam (movie ‘Come back, Africa’)   ∙   Back of the moon (from the King Kong show)   ∙  

1960   ∙   MIRIAM MAKEBA   ∙   Mbube   ∙   Qongqothwane (The click song) ∙   Suliram (Indonesian lullaby)   ∙   Jikele Maweni (The retreat song)   ∙   House of the Rising Sun   ∙   1962   ∙   THE MANY VOICES OF MIRIAM MAKEBA   ∙   Carnival (Theme from Orfeu Negro)   ∙   Ngola Kurila   (A woman soothes her hungry child)   ∙   1963   ∙   THE WORL OF MIRIAM MAKEBA   ∙   Dubula   ∙   Kwedini   ∙   Tonandos de Media Noche   ∙   1964   ∙   THE VOICE OF AFRICA   ∙   Nomthini   ∙   Qhude   ∙   MAKEBA SINGS!   ∙   Kilimanjaro   ∙   Chove Chuva   ∙  

1965   ∙   AN EVENING WITH BELAFONTE & MAKEBA   ∙   Khawuleza (Hurry Mama!)   ∙   Ndodemnyama Verwoerd!   ∙   Nongqongqo (To those we love)   ∙   THE MAGIC OF MAKEBA   ∙   Oxgam   ∙   1966   ∙   THE MAGNIFICENT MAKEBA   ∙    Akana Nkomo (Los Caracoles)   ∙   La Bushe (Congo Bushe)   ∙   ALL ABOUT MIRIAM   ∙   Mas Que Nada   ∙   Ye tintu Tizaleny   ∙   1967   ∙   PATA PATA!   ∙   Pata Pata   ∙   Jol’inkomo   ∙   Ring Bell, Ring Bell   ∙   Malayisha   ∙   1969   ∙   Malaika   ∙   1968   ∙   MAKEBA!   ∙   Ibhabhalazi   ∙   Emavungwini (Down in the dumps) ∙  

1970   ∙   KEEP ME IN MIND   ∙   Lumumba   ∙   1974   ∙   A PROMISE   ∙   Hauteng   ∙   We Got To Make It (1990 live)   ∙   1975   ∙   MIRIAM MAKEBA & BONGI   ∙   Malcolm X   ∙   1978   ∙   COUNTRY GIRL   ∙   Meet Me At The River (2002 live)   ∙   1979   ∙   COMME UNE SYMPHONIE D’AMOUR   ∙   African Convention   ∙   1987   ∙   GRACELAND   ∙   N’Kosi Sikeleli   ∙   1988   ∙   SANGOMA   ∙   Sabumoya   ∙   Nginani Na   ∙   1990   ∙   WELELA   ∙   Soweto Blues(orig. 1977 Hugh Masekela)   ∙   A luta continua   ∙   Give me a reason(live)   ∙   1991   ∙   EYES ON TOMORROW   ∙   Thulasizwe(I shall be released, ft Nina Simone) ∙   1993   ∙   SING ME A SONG   ∙   Laktushona Ilanga   ∙   2000   ∙   HOMELAND   ∙   Homeland   ∙   Umhome   ∙  


MINA: .. Italy pop 1950s / 60s / 70s

(Mina Mazzini, born 1940, Italy)

Mina, 1958-1960


Mina’s debut looks like a fairy tale : in 1957, she is a Cremona-based schoolgirl with a passion for American rock, jazz and swing – notably Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald and Elvis Presley – sharing her enthusiasm by imitating these singers in front of her friends ; those force her onto a nightclub stage for the first time In July 1958; she joins a local jazz-rock band a week later as lead singer and appears on stage with them in September 1958; that same year, she records four songs (including Gene Vincent’s ‘Be-bop-a-lula‘) with Italdisc and participates in her first song contest where she finishes 2nd; she records 17 singles in 1959, 16 in 1960 and becomes the new wind of Italian pop, placing eight singles in the 1960 annual Top100 and another 48 from 1961 to 1979. Endowed with a beautiful and powerful voice, Mina is driven by an avant-garde artistic taste and a keen sense of rhythm, swing and exhibition. Her debut recordings are classic rock with Tintarella di luna and ‘Nessuno‘ (the videoclip of which is delicious, with Adriano Celentano), but she quickly gets into romantic song with ‘Il cielo in una stanza‘- by Gino Paoli – which tops the singles’ list during 3 months at the end of 1960. Mina left the scene in 1974 but kept issuing records thereafter. From 1958 to 2023, she has released 72 LP studio albums and 145 singles .


Nel 1957, Mina è una studentessa di Cremona appassionata di rock, jazz e swing americano – da Frank Sinatra a Ella Fitzgerald ed Elvis Presley – e ne è entusiasta a tal punto da imitare questi cantanti con i suoi amici. Sono loro a spingerla per la priva volta sul palco di un night club nel luglio 1958. Una settimana dopo si propone come cantante ad una band jazz-rock locale e fa con questa la sua prima apparizione in pubblico nel settembre. Lo stesso anno, registra quattro canzoni (tra cui ‘Be-bop-a-lula’) con la Italdisc e partecipa al suo primo concorso per canzoni, classificandosi al secondo posto. Incide 17 singoli nel 1959 e 16 nel 1960, facendo soffiare vento nuovo nel pop italiano. Otto dei suoi singoli entrano nella Top100 annuale nel 1960 e altri 48 dal 1961 al 1979. Con una bella voce, Mina dimostra un gusto artistico e musicale d’avanguardia e un acuto senso del ritmo, dello swing e dello spettacolo. Le sue prime tracce sono sicuramente rock, come ‘Tintarella di luna e ‘Nessuno’ (la cui clip con Adriano Celentano è deliziosa), ma produce rapidamente anche il suo primo successo nel genere della canzone romantica con ‘Il cielo in una stanza’ di Gino Paoli, che resta per tre mesi ai vertici delle classifiche di vendita alla fine del 1960. Mina lascia perfino la scena nel 1974 ma continua la sua produzione discografica, che totalizza 145 singoli e 72 LP dal 1958 al 2023.


∙  1958  ∙  Be-bop-a-lula  ∙  Malatia  ∙  Non partir  ∙  1959  ∙  Nessuno  ∙  Tua  ∙  Io sono il vento  ∙  Amorevole  ∙  La verità  ∙  Tintarella di luna  ∙  Mai  ∙  Whisky  ∙  Vorrei sapere perché  ∙  Folle banderuola  ∙

∙  1960  ∙  Coriandoli  ∙  Il cielo in una stanza  ∙  Piano  ∙  1961  ∙  Le mille bolle lu  ∙  Moliendo café  ∙  Non voglio cioccolata  ∙  1962  ∙  Le tue mani  ∙  Renato  ∙  Chihuahua  ∙  Stringimi forte i polsi  ∙  1963  ∙  Stessa spiaggia stesso mare  ∙  Città vuota  ∙  1964  ∙  È l’uomo per me  ∙  Un buco nella sabbia  ∙  Io sono quel che sono  ∙  Un anno d’amore (orig. ‘C’est irréparable’, 1963, Nino Ferrer)  ∙

∙  1965  ∙  Soli  ∙  Era vivere  ∙  Brava  ∙  L’ultima occasione  ∙  Ora o mai più  ∙  1966  ∙  Una casa in cima al mondo  ∙  Se telefonando  ∙  Ta-ra-ta-ta  ∙  Sono come tu mi vuoi  ∙  Se tu non fossi qui  ∙  Mi sei scoppiato dentro il cuore  ∙  No  ∙  Addio  ∙  Mai così  ∙  Un bacio è troppo poco  ∙  Non illuderti  ∙  1967  ∙  L’immensità  ∙  Conversazione  ∙  La Banda (orig. Chico Buarque)  ∙  Se c’è una cosa che mi fa impazzire  ∙  Cartoline  ∙  Una casa in cima al mondo  ∙  1968  ∙  Se tornasse caso mai  ∙  Allegria (orig. ‘Upa neginho’, 1968, Elis Regina)  ∙  Un colpo al cuore  ∙  Vorei che fosse amore  ∙  Chi dice non dà (orig. ‘Canto De Ossanha’, 1966, V. de Moraes & B. Powell)  ∙  Deborah  ∙  Na sera’e maggio  ∙  1969  ∙  Non credere  ∙  Un ‘ombra  ∙  Canzone per te  ∙  Quand’ero piccola  ∙

∙  1970  ∙  Bugiardo e incosciente (orig. ‘La tieta’, 1967, J.-M. Serrat)  ∙  Insieme  ∙  La voce del silenzio  ∙  Attimo per attimo  ∙  C’è più samba  ∙  Se stasera sono qui  ∙  Sacumdì sacumdà  ∙  I problemi del cuore  ∙  Una mezza dozzina di rose  ∙  1971  ∙  Amor mio  ∙  Capirò (orig. ‘I’ll be home‘, 1970, Randy Newman)  ∙  E penso a te  ∙  1972  ∙  Grande, grande, grande  ∙  Parole parole  ∙  Fiume azzurro (Sobrevivere)  ∙  1973  ∙  Lamento d’amore  ∙  E poi  ∙  Dichiarazione d’amore  ∙  1975  ∙  L’importante è finire  ∙  Non gioco piú  ∙  1976  ∙  Nuda  ∙  Colpa mia  ∙  Triste  ∙  Giorni (with Bignè)  ∙  Ormai (with Bignè)  ∙  1978  ∙  Ancora ancora ancora  ∙  1979  ∙  Anche un uomo  ∙  Se il moi canto sei tu  ∙ 

∙  1980  ∙  Bunanotte buonanotte  ∙  Capisco  ∙  1983  ∙  Devi dirmi di sì  ∙  1985  ∙  Questione di feeling (with Riccardo Cocciante)  ∙  1986  ∙  Via di qua (with Fausto Leali)  ∙  Cosa manca (with Fausto Leali)  ∙  1992  ∙  Neve  ∙  1995  ∙  Pappa di latte  ∙  2002  ∙  Succhiando l’uva  ∙  2007  ∙  Alibi  ∙  2009  ∙  Adesso è facile (with Manuel Agnelli)  ∙  2011  ∙  Questa canzone  ∙  2016  ∙  Amami amami (with Adriano Celentano)  ∙  2017  ∙  A un passo da te (with Adriano Celentano)  ∙  Ma che ci faccio qui (with Adriano Celentano)  ∙  2023  ∙  Un briciolo di allegria (with Blanco)  ∙  Povero amore  ∙  Fino a domani  ∙  La gabbia  ∙  Abban-dono  ∙  Buttare l’amore  ∙  Non ho più bisogno di te  ∙


MINA in Spanish, English, French, German :

  ∙  1963  ∙  Die Liebe kommt nur einmal  ∙  Oh la la Gigi  ∙  1964  ∙  Ciudad solitaria  ∙  1965  ∙  Un año de amor  ∙  1967  ∙  La inmensidad  ∙  Ebb tide  ∙  1968  ∙  Cry  ∙  1972  ∙  Fly me to the moon  ∙  1973  ∙  Can’t take my eyes off you  ∙  1973  ∙  Runaway (‘e poi’)  ∙  1974  ∙  Et puis ça sert à quoi (‘e poi’)  ∙  1974  ∙  Und dann.. (e poi)  ∙  2003  ∙  I can’t take my eyes off of you  ∙  2010  ∙  Mele Kalikimaka  ∙  2010  ∙  You get me (with Seal)  ∙